Allow variable names to have underscores (_) and more than 10 characters.
It's fine when you have a few variables like MONEY or HEALTH. But if you have many flags associated with each location or character you end up with unreadable names like OOBGR1 instead of ONCE_BIG_GLADE_RAINY_DAY (this is a real example). Using unreadable global names usually causes bugs. No decent scripting language has such ridiculous naming restrictions. And it'll take only a few minutes to fix.
More examples of useful names that you can't use (not from a particular story): JAKE_HEALTH, JAKE_MOOD, JAKE_LOCATION, JAKE_PRANKED_BY_BOB, JAKE_PRANKED_BY_HERO, JAKE_SPELLS_LEFT, MARGARETH_HEALTH, etc.
It will benefit writers (including me), who will be able to make better scripts. Consequently, it will benefits readers, who will get more good stuff.