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Looking for thoughts and ideas

9 years ago

The link should take you to my story. I am still at the very beginning of creation, and need to eventually edit out grammar errors. But I would love to hear your ideas for what directions I might take, and if you think I should continue on with this story or scrap it because you think it sucks.


Looking for thoughts and ideas

9 years ago

The story is something I plan to make intricate and deeper then it currently is. I want it to flow in a way like the title suggests. The main character being a shape shifter, at first he can only shift into a single human form. He is on the run and risks being assassinated for having stolen twin daggers which are a holy item of the Shades. These daggers are god and goddess touched. And play a pivotal role in the story and are extremely magical and the god and goddess will talk to you through these daggers late on.

The main character being basically a black sheep by his own people, was forced to become a cook for the military. Unlike other Shape Shifters which are recruited as members of espionage. He hates his own kind with a passion for the torment they put him through. His goal at the start of the story is to assume his human form, make it to human civilization and fit in. Things dont go quiet as planned though.

Through out the story the main character will be able to gain different shape shifting transformations. At first into animals, and eventually into more fearsome beasts.

Being able to shape shift at will is an interesting mechanic. If I can implement it. He could possibly shift back and forth, which would change the situations, dialog and how people see him. Even though he is a black sheep, he is very intelligent and able to use what little ability he has to be stealthy and trick both humans and his own kind to survive.