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Questions about a storygame? Thoughts on Eternal? Any other IF you're playing out there?

Secret of Daphne

8 years ago

If there is already a walkthrough then my apologies, I couldn't find it, but I don't know how to do the number puzzle concerning the barn, I looked at the numerology thing already but I either misread it or it just didn't work, can someone help?

Secret of Daphne

8 years ago
This thread has one tip.

Here is another.

Secret of Daphne

8 years ago

Thx for the info, also is there a walkthrough on the endings? I just got one, but idk if there are other or how to get them

Secret of Daphne

8 years ago

I got the final ending a while back, but I don't quite remember how I did it.

I guess it's time to replay it :D

Secret of Daphne

8 years ago

lol, the ending I got was exile where you save Cynthia and yourself, but you leave the town of Daphne, I agreed to stay like the demon asked, and the other ending I got to was where you follow Kyle, but that got me killed cause I was missing something

Secret of Daphne

8 years ago
I believe to get the correct ending you have to not follow Kyle. while you can get an ending on that path as well if you have the right items, the true one is if you believe that the girl is still alive. then you get to meet with her in the hospital and kill the demon. Or something similar, it's time to replay here as well.

Secret of Daphne

8 years ago

I got that ending, yet I honestly think the better one is the one with exile, where your family moves out, since Cynthia lives and the pastor and Kyle are arrested rather than murdered, yet your character is haunted by the demon.

Secret of Daphne

8 years ago
Guess we just have different standards, then. In the one where the pastor and Kile were killed, the demon was left without a profit as well, which most likely weekened him quite a bit, meaning no trubble with him for some time. Cinthia also got what she allways wanted, and nun of them were haunted by the demon.

Secret of Daphne

8 years ago

true but people still died even though they deserved it

Secret of Daphne

8 years ago
Well, you yourself said they deserved it. With pastor went the demon as well, which does mean less deaths in the future because of that. Sometimes you have to sacrifice a man to save the city.