As a new player, I am really enjoying this website and the wonderful community who use it. One thing that I think would enrich the community experience is the ability to add friends, and also the ability to start or join clubs.
For example, a club for each genre could be managed and lead by more experienced players or admin, free for all interested in the topic to join. Each club would have its own forum where its members could post new story ideas and share their thoughts. Independent clubs or guilds could also be started by players and have certain restrictions to apply for membership; for example, someone could apply for membership of a guild by submitting a short story-game on a given topic. Guild activities such as in-guild competitions (guild points awarded to winners, which lead to guild-rank promotions) and inter-guild competitions (in which a randomly selected or publicly elected member of each competing guild must submit a story-game on the same topic) would encourage friendly competition, and sense of unity.