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Motivation issue

7 years ago

I'm sort of new to this site and I immediately loved it. My first story game to read/play was Dead Man Walking, it inspired me to try and write one of my own. I started writing one and recently lost all motivation to continue it or really anything there anything I can do to get over this?

Motivation issue

7 years ago
Welcome to the site. I suggest reading Finding the Muse for good (and bad) ideas for helping writing.

Motivation issue

7 years ago

Thank you, I will.

Motivation issue

7 years ago
Have a look at the prompts from last month's contest thread and see if anything inspires you. There are plenty of old writing and poetry prompts in the Creative Corner, too.

I've been told that not being excited about writing a scene or a story means that subconsciously you know there's something wrong with it. Maybe try a smaller project and just keep ironing out characters and plots until you find something that works for you. You can do pretty much all of your brainstorming and swap ideas around as needed before you ever commit to the actual writing part.

Motivation issue

7 years ago
Try doing a smaller project then going back to your larger one. Dead Man Walking was the first story I started here, but the third or fourth one I actually published haha!

Motivation issue

7 years ago
There's no magic solution to finding motivation or inspiration. Generally, getting started and keeping after a project helps a writer feed off of the writing itself. It's getting over that initial hurdle that is the real difficulty. Writing can be like a habit, and habits take time and concentrated effort to start or break.

If you're working on a project and keeping after it, but you still aren't motivated, that's a good indication that there is something lacking in your plot and that you need to develop the story more as a concept before you actually write the story.

Motivation issue

7 years ago

Thank you all!