Hello there, everyone at the site. I am as my name suggests; LGSilvergate, no surprise there. But the main reason I'm not just quietly sitting in the corner with a typewriter hooked up to the Internet writing my stories is because of a bit of an issue. You see, I was inspired by Dungeon Stompage and was looking to try and emulate it's whole RPG-style with one of my own stories (I find that the best way for me to learn is to dive right in and try out all the working parts).
Unfortunately, I have run into a small bit of a wall: whenever I click on a link to spend a Stat point and increase the character's Intellect, it works fine, but a second time actually adds 1 Stat Point. It then seems to do so at random while Intellect increases as normal. Here is how the link is set: it goes through a variable change, so that is adds 1 to INT (Intellect) and subtracts 1 from STAT (Stat Points). I have check both "Count Multiple" boxes, and it seemed to reduce the problem a slight amount. Can anyone help me with this?
Also, a formal hello to everyone once more, and a thank you in advance. I'm terribly sorry, but I'd much rather just keep to myself for now until I get used to the place, haha.