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Regarding editor and chapters

4 years ago

So long ago back before the update that changed the editor UI I'd been writing a long story with many choices but after the update everything became messy and I didn't want to bother learning the new system so I gave up writing on this website for about a year.

I have come back to give it a shot again.

First things first though I need to re-organize the pages (which some have audio clips and images) and I was curious if I will be forced to copy paste it all and re-insert audio clips and images (which would be a hassle) or if there is a way to move these pages into new chapters so its not just one long list.

Regarding editor and chapters

4 years ago
I don't believe the update actually did anything to mess with the order of pages and chapters. All it did really was make new tabs instead of pop ups when creating a new page.

You can't move pages between chapters, but you might consider just renaming your pages with some system that makes them easier to identify while you're editing and linking between them and all.

Regarding editor and chapters

4 years ago

Do you remember when you could be inside the page and write and then if you wanted to move onto the next page you could just go into a link that leads to that page and continue writing?

I miss being able to write as I go 

Now I have to click through the exact pages and I need to avoid accidently hitting the delete button, feeling a little frustrated if I am being honest but suppose I'll have to just adapt overtime.

Regarding editor and chapters

4 years ago
I'm a little confused here, because I have a main list of chapters and pages, and then I have the page I'm writing on and from there I can move to any page it links to or any other page I have open. It's just a matter of switching tabs.

Regarding editor and chapters

4 years ago
You can still do that!

Just go and click the arrow sign(iirc) next to the symbols like variables, scripting etc.