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Dust off a seat and discuss a good book do read, right?

Doctor Who

18 years ago
Has any one ever read or seen the Doctor Who series. I havn't been able to read the books, but the show is awsome

Doctor Who

18 years ago
I've watched two episodes maybe.  I think I told you that before, but I might as well make it public since I'm already halfway through typing this post on the MAG/CYS forums.  (Excuse me for droning on and on and on like that.  I always do that when I'm typing for some reason.)

Doctor Who

18 years ago
Well it's a pretty good show. Other than Lance has anyone else heard of it

Doctor Who

18 years ago

I grew up watching Doctor Who. I liked Tom Baker, the one with the scarf and the jelly babies. Usually had really bad special effects, but it was great science fiction :) Then I thought it went a bit weird towards the end. I thought it was great that they brought the show back after all these years. I've loved watching the new series they came out with - finally, Doctor Who episodes with a proper FX budget!

Doctor Who

18 years ago

Never saw it

is it worth it?

Doctor Who

18 years ago
Yes, it is worth it. I never saw Tom Baker, but that was my Dad's favorite doctor. The guy playing the doctor now said that he recieved either a gift or a note or something from Tom Baker.I really did like Christopher Eccleston (I think I spelled that right) playing him though

Doctor Who

18 years ago
Well, "Doctor Who?" as we know it now is something of a remake (or one could see it as a revival of the original cancelled show) of an old and extremely corny science fiction show.  I've never seen the original, but it seems hard to believe that it could require any more suspension of disbelief than the current.  If you can suspend your disbelief though, it can be fun to watch.

Doctor Who

18 years ago
I would like to start watching it on a more regular basis, but I can't remember when it is on, and I'm too lazy to check the website.  Can tsmpaul (the master of CYOA science-fiction) or banjoman92 (the master of phonetically creative usernames) remind me when the show is on and when the next season will begin?

Doctor Who

18 years ago
Yeah I wouldn't midn knowing either.

Doctor Who

18 years ago
I'm not sure when it would be on in america or canada. Usually we don't get it in Australia until the season has already been watched in America. We're almost always a whole season behind on t.v. shows. The season we were watching ended a couple months ago now, and I'm still waiting for the next season to start up again.

Doctor Who

18 years ago

on my amazon account i was offered the Doctor Who series. didnt look into it. this was like a few days ago.


Doctor Who

18 years ago

Oops.  I guess I forgot that you live on the other side of the world, tsmpaul!  But banjoman can still help, I guess.  We might have to wait a few days for a reply for him; I don't think he has access to the internet at the moment.

Doctor Who

18 years ago

I'm back from Kansas City. I believe the season ended here a couple months ago too. I think the season usually starts back up in the August area. I could be wrong though. What episode was the last one for you tsmpaul?


Doctor Who

18 years ago
The Doctor was inside the Tardis, when a women wearing a wedding dress suddenly appeared.

Doctor Who

18 years ago
If it is the same one where they supposedly kill off Rose then you are seeing the same season as us in the good ol' U.S of A 

Doctor Who

18 years ago

A question just struck me: why are we discussing Doctor Who in the "Reading Corner" forum?  Actually, I wanted to ask if this 'Rose' was that ugly blond-haired girl with the British accent that I saw on the show once.  Great.  Now I'm insulting people....

Doctor Who

18 years ago
Because there are lots of Doctor Who books as well. We just got distracted talking about the latest Doctor Who television series.

Doctor Who

18 years ago
First, Rose is What I will call prugly. She is very pretty, but sometimes ugly. I heard shes a pop star in Britain or something. Then there are a lot of Doctor Who books. What little bits I've read is that they are pretty good. Can't find any time I go to a bokstore.

Doctor Who

18 years ago
Hmm... "prugly"?  Is that like that "frenemy" "word" that I've heard?  Well, I'll look for the books also if I ever have the chance.

Doctor Who

18 years ago

Doctor Who?

(Bad Joke!)

But seriously, I have no clue who this guy is. He sounds interesting though.... Time for some research!