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Guitar Hero: World Tour

16 years ago

Holy shit, am i glad I didn't buy the bundle pack for that. Apparently tons of people had broken instruments when they bought it. Not just a few people, a ton. So, i just bought the game alone and use my RB2 instruments. Other than that, the game is a shitload of fun. The RB2 setlist still kicks the GH:WT setlist's ass, but the music studio makes up for that hugely. Just wanted to give my mini-review on GH. BTW, for anyone who gives a shit, I put up a song on GHtunes

Today Never Lasts by Cometsfan

Anybody who has put up any songs that they want to share, post the name of the song and your gamertag and i'll download it and tell you what I think.


Guitar Hero: World Tour

16 years ago

...Where's the love for gutar hero?


Guitar Hero: World Tour

16 years ago

...Well...I'll just carry on this little conversation with myself...


Guitar Hero: World Tour

16 years ago

I love Guitar Hero, but I don't have three friends to play with.


I mean, I have three friends, but they don't like Guitar Hero.  Well, my one friend does, but he truly sucks.  We tried "Slow Ride" like, twenty times.  Seriously. 

Guitar Hero: World Tour

16 years ago

Why do I have to talk? Geez, you guys as such... Oh, uh, yeah. Guitar...Hero.


I love the GH series, but it looks like Rock Band has officially raped Guitar Band with its whammy up Guitareroticism aside, I have to agree with you that more awesome songs (GH:WT) is better than a bunch of songs, and less awesome ones (RB2). But for the most part, people like RB2's long list of tracks. And the lack of broken instruments. Believe it or not, that's a smart move.

I left it my friends to see whether they liked GH:WT or RB2 better. (I was busy seeing if CoD:WaW was as orgasmic as CoD4. Unfortunately, it failed by about .4 points.) The majority - AKA everyone except for the kid nobody likes - of my friends said they preferred GH:WT over RB2, but that's because they were all hardcore Guitar Heroes. Well, actually only my one friend deserves the title "Hardcore", but you get the idea. On the other hand, I was discussing the issue with other aquaintances and they preferred RB2's massive song list. So basically it's 50:50. Maybe 60:40. Yup.


So now do you feel not as alone, DV13? lol

Guitar Hero: World Tour

16 years ago

Yeah, i was getting suicidal over here...Did I say that? Oh, of course I didn't. I typed. (WORST. JOKE. EVER.)

I'm one of the most hardcore guitar heroists (a word?) I know. I'm always in those nerdy Guitar Hero competitions with weirdos that like...PREP TALK their plastic guitars (Ok, maybe not) and I always kick ass. Just can't beat Through the Fire and Flames on expert. I can get about 15 seconds into the mofo though before it owns my ass and rips me a new one.


Guitar Hero: World Tour

16 years ago

I'm pretty sick of these games. At first I thought it was a fun diversion and good idea, but then the sequel was released. Then more. Then Rock Band and it got REALLY popular. It's the SAME GAME with different tracks. I've tried it, it's not that great. I fail to understand how anyone can enjoy this for more than a week or two. I can not go to school without hearing it mentioned and it's driving me MAD. This is worse than Halo and Twilight.

Not saying it's a bad game, just overpraised and overmilked. If you like it that's fine.

Guitar Hero: World Tour

16 years ago


Speaking of Halo...

why do people know what halo is and not Half-Life 2? The game got a metacritic of 98%!

Guitar Hero: World Tour

16 years ago

Mel, you're just like my girlfriend.  She won't play at all.  She's just like "it's pushing buttons.  Why is that fun?"  And I'm like "You won't even try!  How do you know you won't like it if you don't try?" and she's all "Nothing in my past gaming experience leads me to believe I would enjoy pressing buttons rhythmically on a fake guitar."


Guitar Hero: World Tour

16 years ago

lol The concept makes perfect undeniable sense in your head.

No offense to your girlfriend, but I can't stand those people who say "Why are video games so fun? All you do is press buttons..." Uh, why is basketball so fun? All you do is throw balls. Why is soccer so fun? All you do is kick balls. Why is football so fun? All you do is grab balls. Damn it, at least video games aren't all about balls! Dick jokes aside, I just think that some people still think video games are just Pong and Pac-Man. They're works of art!

Well, except for Guitar Hero and Rock Band. Those are just a fun game for parties. And DDR is a good way to embarrass yourself. Unless you go to Japan.

Guitar Hero: World Tour

16 years ago

Well, she will play other games.  I think her point is that in most other games, the button pressing relates to on screen activity like swordfighting or intercepting a pass or whatever. 

Guitar Hero: World Tour

16 years ago
I gotta say Rock Band 2 beats all...till guitar hero metallica comes out. It's more than rhythmically pressing buttons lol. The only "redeeming" feature from GH4 is that it has the song editor, which although it takes three hours to remake "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" (eh dv?), the accomplishment of making your own song rules.

Guitar Hero: World Tour

15 years ago

has anyone tried the music studio on GHWT? i got it for christmas and ive glanced at it, but havent spent much time on it. (the music editor that is).

as for the game itself, pretty solid. but its still missing something. it just doesnt seem to have added enough to it to make it worth alot of praise. its not a bad game and all, but it could have been much better.


Guitar Hero: World Tour

15 years ago

Don't know much about music, but I can make some pretty badass songs. Can't make any covers of actual songs, but I can make my own shit.


Guitar Hero: World Tour

15 years ago

The Barney Theme Song is not your original work, DV.

Guitar Hero: World Tour

15 years ago

Bullshit! They just didn't give any fucking credit for it. I wrote Stairway to Heaven too. Fucking Led Zeppelin...


Guitar Hero: World Tour

15 years ago
"Don't know much about music" - DV13
"I wrote Stairway to Heaven too" - DV13


Guitar Hero: World Tour

15 years ago

I'm a complicated man Mr. Jay Jay Jay. Very complicated indeed.


Guitar Hero: World Tour

15 years ago
lol you should have wrote...typed 'Mister Jay Jay Jay' That would have been funny. Anyway, I like GHWT, but we all know RB2 pwns all. The songs are better, gameplay's better, and the instruments stay intact (unless you trip and fall on your snare drum XP). Like all these games, they both have pros and cons. RB2 has all the best songs, but GH has the Sublime and blink182 songs. It could very well be a toss up.

have you guys heard of that new 'Lips' game? I played it at work and it failed...

Guitar Hero: World Tour

15 years ago
oh yeah, RB ftw.

Guitar Hero: World Tour

15 years ago

Fall on the snare drum...hehe...what kind of idiot would do that...

RB has Al the small things AND Dammit for DLC, so WHAT!? that's RB kicking ass in every way...except Sublime i guess...but that's a matter of opinion.


Guitar Hero: World Tour

15 years ago
Pfft. You only said that because I like Sublime. I'm like twenty minutes from your house, bitxh. =)