After not logging onto to this site in what I want to say is a few years, (??) I decided to take a peek and see how CYS was doing. I've never really contributed much, but I saw you were having a contest and I thought I should give it a shot, since I've been writing quite a bit. I see almost no familiar faces, 'cept JJJ and Madglee. It'll be interesting weaving back into the community. How's everyone doing/been?
I'm good. I've become a regular on here, so you'll see me often. good to have you back!
Thanks dude! My cousin is actually the one who recommended and introduced this site to me, he is DarthVader_13. I'm going to have to get him back on here as well, as he was well-liked and active on here. 3J, 'member the good ol' days when there was all the Fleshie drama? I was never a part of it but I enjoyed watching bullets fly, haha. Anyways, good to be back and actually contributing.
Riley can be pretty hard to get ahold of. Sometimes, he just doesn't pick the damn phone up O_o
Welcome back! Although I was not a member here only until recently, it is always great to see more people hang around here. As the saying goes, the more the merrior!
Anyway, all the best for the contest!
Same to you broseph!
Well, I don't remember you, but welcome back!
I'm not very memorable, I didn't contribute much to the site. I mostly played games and forumed. I was actually just looking at a few older threads, haha. JJJ will remember the abortion thread. I was under the handle Gematria then.
Yeah they were. I almost want to say those were the CYS Rebellion days. I wasn't much of a part of it, but I lurked and read so many of the threads haha.
this is my favourite thread of old.
i was laughing so hard it hurt when i first read that thread.
Hahah, holy crap. We were some silly bastards!
And welcome back, dude! I wish we could get everyone from back in the day to log on. It would be epic, haha.
And I remember DV, too! He asked for all our IM names, and all I did was troll the fuck out of him. :) Get 'em back here! haha
That was hilarious! When did Emma leave? She would've been hilarious. And, Zero, 3j, Sethaniel? I thought you might like these:
( : : ) ( : : ) ( : : ) ( : : ) ( : : ) ( : : ) ( : : ) ( : : ) ( : : ) ( : : ) ( : : ) ( : : ) ( : : ) ( : : ) ( : : ) ( : : )
Here's a smaller batch:
(::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::)
I'm guessing part of that thread was deleted? I don't get what I'm referring to in it.
Yeah, part of it must be gone- why the hell am I talking about cookies?
Because cookies are delicious little treats. That is why. :D
I'd assume she got bored or forgot about CYS.
Emma who? I probably have no right to post here being a new person and all but I would like to know more about the people who were here before.
Which is why she stopped using this site. Just gussing?
Ah. I texted Riley yesterday about CYS, no response yet. He usually is very bad about answering his phone.
emma's profile in case you're wondering;
Yeah, DV13's real name is Riley. Well, he signed a few posts off with Riley anyway so I'd assume it's his name.
Alright prick i'm on. Now shut the hell up.
Oh and hi everybody. Great to see ya.
love your profile description Darth!
:') proud of you deadly
ha, welcome back DV
hi guys!! lol, i remember that thread. its so funny!
hmm, its another older member. weird.
Holy shit, everyone is returning!
What's all this about everyone making duplicate accounts? Sounds like a conspiracy theory to me
Yes they are trying to take over this site using none awsome accounts. Yeah Alxep his come back but now he is named Zylander and is lurking watching us all.
I am assumming that is a joke I do not get.
Oh I get the joke now. He meant that all the trolls were coming back.
deadly_sinner66. He is a troll and should be ignored.
On occasion, trolls are fun :)
If you're subtle about it and you're not a complete tard, you can be a troll all the time. :D
Yes but I like being a turd from time to time.
I meant tard as in retard, I for some reason would rather use tard tham retard, seems less vulgar to me. I could just say mentally challenged, but then again you guys might think I'm the mentally challenged one. Derp.
Well I thought you said turd but whatever. I like being a turd more than a tard through.
No, Language is not weird people are. All Language really is is peoples argument on a word meaning something. The measurement of time, space, and mass is all like this. You really think when Disney writers put the word
shakespere made words like sneak! off topic, but awesome
ahh Shakespeare
I always just thought Shakespere made words to fit his needs as he went along. Did you hear about the twitter post (I don't actually use twitter) that Sarah Palin made, after she was called out for combining two words, (Can't remember what they were) that compared herself to Shakespeare? That made me mad. Shakespeare made entirely new words based on nothing, I mean how similar are vomit and puke? making a new word is not the same as combining two words that are kind of alike.
She is an idot. Who can not even do her own job right.
Have you seen how big Alaska is? I'm glad we have it too. And I dunno, anyone who shoots moose from a helicopter has to be pretty BA.
am i the only person who is flabergasted that this thread gets new posts on it every single day?
I'm not, I've been on a MAG forum before
Nope we will continue to do so as well.
Yeah, I haven't from the OP in this forum in a while. He was kind of a douche to me, so it just turned me off to talking to him.
wait arn't you the op.
Ah Cool, I love you man.
you are the op, lol.
I know dudes. It's sarcasm, I keep forgetting it's hard to recognize in type. I'm an expert at spotting it, I guess.
what exactly is an op?
Person who starts a froum. Therefore they are the original poster (op).
i knew it was sarcasm, i was letting you know i enjoyed it.
Sarcasm returned with more sarcasm usually confuses people.
Yes but are the confused people really confused by the sarcasm to the sarcasm or are they confused over the fact a machine has no emotion?
Probably a bit of both.
I disagree, if they are able to pick up on the original sarcasm, they should be able to pick up on the other one as well. Especially in real life, but in computers as well. Responding to sarcasm with sarcasm can actually be pretty amusing to both sides.
What if there's someone with an over-analitical mind? I have a friend like that and she doesn't understand sarcasm and over explains something if sarcasm is involved.
Then, they really should not be using sarcasm in the first place.
They're not using sarcasm, the people around them are.
Well ethier way they need to figure out how to find it.
whats sarcasm?
You mean no sense of humor? Yes, that could be a problem.
Yep that is what they need.
WHAT nobody needs a sense of humor.
Of course not, they need to shut themselves in their rooms and read all day.
the books we read shouldnt be funny either, humor is bad.
Extremely, all math all the time, I say!
and dry old english lit. and advanced genetics. good stuff there. not funny at all.
No, and all who try to laugh shall be made to study gene splicing as well.
and there lips need to be sown shut.
No, they need to be open so they can say paragraph proofs for hours on end.
you are right, they just need to be beaten for laughing. or water bourded.
Thats the solution to everything
agreed, nuf said.
There is the greatest proforemce of sarcasm ever folks.
indeed it is.
I figured out that you two being the fun loving people you are would do a scasm skiet like that. I but both of you were laughing so hard just writing that.
surprised you didn't do that sooner, actually.
Took him awhile but at least he did not delete the posts.
What does this have to do with a TV show?
It was a comment pointed at how useless this whole thread has become.
This forum is not usless. It is just a radom dicussion and yes I will take one.
There goes someone slipped up. I wonder who?
Someone fucked up!
Let it be know thorough the world Aspens player screwed up.
Bo gets the joke.
It's kind of in your face, but yeah.
If someone with alzheimers gets amnesia, does that mean that he/she can't remember that they forgot everything?
Could be a double negative.
which equals a positive, so he/she remembers. Ahh stupid humor, so funny
Correct me if I'm wrong, but in the later stages of Alzheimer's, the sufferer's mind is so unrational that whether or not they have amnesia doesn't really make a difference (in other words, they're not going to remember anything, or at least everything will be jumbled up (my grandmother still thinks my pa's alive), so having amnesia isn't going to cause much more inconvenience).
Yeah, it was meant to be a joke, wasn't trying to get into facts lol.
Honest mistake.
No problem dude, just informing you.
I'm honestly not sure which one your talking about, It was a while before I posted here lol
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOh, yeah I remmeber now, just making sure that he knew we weren't trying to be factual about alzheimer's.
not at all, i think you would have needed to be part of the conversation in order to understand the tone.
i dont feel that he was angry at all, its hard to tell for sure of course.
I think that he was just trying to calm the situation, which I didn't think needed calming. I have only heard of him getting mad at someone during this one mafia.
up late are we? ya 3J is pretty mello.
Yeah, chilling with my cousin
shall we pull an internet all nighter? lol
i feel preasured...
joking man.
unfortunatly for you guys ive gotta go now, fortunatly for me, i want to go. see ya.
Actually, i tend to act intoxicated when I'm tired. I have actually been accused of being drunk before, but no alcohol on my breath.
thats what we were discussing a moment ago. lol
was that a joke? i think it was.
whos gone off on you today?
i think you may be missreading his tone. it can be confusing over the computor.
I've said it so many times I am tired of using caps lock. curse these emotionless machines.
umm, please dont post for the sake of increasing your forum posts, that encourages low quality posts...
for a trophy you can't get. 3j has 16000 posts because he has been here for years, your not going to get the trophy lol.
I am very active, I keep saying I get on to copy pages from my notebook to the editor, but that never happens...
thats a shame...
I don't think JJJ's "going off" on you cool, he's just trying to up the quality of your posts. Like it's not really necessary to correct someone if they just spelled a word wrong, or if they normally have good grammar in their posts and make a small mistake, but on a writing site you should at least put some effort into writing your posts properly. I'm not that irritated by gramatically incorrect posts but understand that JJJ isn't trying to attack you, he's just trying to get you to double-check what you write (which isn't that hard). Sure, it may take thirty seconds which you could be spending on getting your post count up, but you'll find that quality posters (that includes content and grammatical correctness) are more respected around here than people with high post counts.
I most likely won't, just as long as this movie lasts. We just started it, and its one oclock now.
so, who wants to talk about something fun? this thread gotten realy seriouse lately.
Puppies are fun
true that, true that.
TAffy is yummy, even in liquid form.
maybe i should melt some down and try it out.
Or buy some at wal-mart. i like this forum. There's no such thing as spamming. ;)
no there is, its just alot harder to do.
Yeah, just a big free for all. Anyway, who likes Cake Boss?
saw it once, wasnt impressed.
I just like how Buddy is always arguing with the sis'.
Anyone watch Chuck?
Nope, but I used in my debate on how the media influences violence in the youth. Anyone hear how Ashton Cutcher is going to be on Two and a Half Men?
ace of cake?
sounds interesting, remember that show where they have remote controll machines and they battle eachother?
ehh, it was a while back, i liked it.
It came on Saturdays on Nick?
i dont remember, maybe.
Dude, rocket power was amazing when I was younger.
thats a weird show...
I watched one episode when i was getting my hair cut. It was interesting but I didn't care for it.
Never heard of it.
its worth watching an episode. nothing more.
maybe? i can see that as an appropriate responce.
INVADER ZIM! that show was amazing!
the misspell didnt bother me, im not a natzi.
oh, good guess then.
That show was weird. I didin't like it.
your free to your oppinion. :)
As long as that opinion is my opinion ;)
"You may have the Model T in any color, as longas that color is black" - Henry Ford
why was he against having it in different colors?
hmm, thats logical.
His whole idea was to have something wonderful at an affordable price. The more colors or other additional options, the more it costs to make and the more he has to charge the customers.
ya, makes sence.
He just had a bit of humor about it ;)
"It is better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and prove it" - Mark Twain
ummm, no i dont think it was he who said that first.
Well, refer to American Literature for dummies,, and several other sources. Mark Twain was the most famous American Literature humorist.
ive allwasy heard it worded differently and as a chineas proverb.
nope, completely different proverb.
Well, I'm sure the basic idea has been around for millenia. The funniest part is Mrs. Howe brought it up in English and Bri agreed with it. I'm sure you can see the irony lol
O_O nooooo!
yeah, she tried to explain it too. I'm starrting to think that she explains everything the teacher says because SHE cant understand.
i dont know but if she keeps falling down the whole world is going to end.
Yeah, you saw what happened Haiti.
The girl who always says something stupid when she opens her mouth agreed with Twain
she is super arogant, and very stupid.. the worst kind of person.
make the name of the bitch, Hannah Guthery. plz
nope, hannah was worth.
i swear to god she was a dirrect decendent of satan! she ruined everyones day everyday. if something bad happend in the classroom its because she planned it, and never once did she get in any trouble for it. i could go on all day about the crap she pulled. super gluing people butts to desks spreading dissasterouse lies. disrupting anything and everthing that should have been fun. i realy did want her to die.
this was a few years back. shes... different now.
i hate that, Hannah is beautifull too. :/ why does it gotta be that way?
rephrase that in a way that i can understand what your saying please.
what do you mean by a power trip?
Lol its funny you were saying that, anyway I can see it as a power trip
ok, there has got to be a better way to say that. but i get it.
ya, i understand.
she is less obviouse... and seems nice till she decides to make the rest of your life miserable.
lol, its funny how predictable people can be.
now, she is tall well tanned and has a wonderfull voice.
Does she go to this school?
thank God no...
no, just hate being anywhere near her... ever... underany cercumstance.
never said she particularly botherd me. im pretty difficult to annoy. i hated seeing what she did to everyone else.
Kind of like Bri, I don't mind when she does something to me, but when she screws something up for the entire class, I get extremely annoyed. She started liking me even less when I performed some damage control after she got into a yelling match with Mrs. Lewis and stormed out. I raised my hand untill she called on me and calmly explained that she was incredibly disrespectful, and although she likes to speak as if she had the support of the class, most of us couldn't stand her. One of her friends (That part surprised me) told her I said it, and she got mad at me, it was kind of fun seeing her confront me though, she actually thought she had a good argument lol.
Ugh, unspecified pronouns. I hope you guys can understand when I meant Miss Lewis and when I meant Bri though.
i completely agree with you cool. the body builds tollerence to alot of things.
i bodies build tollerence to the weather as well. :)
you said it, not me.