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The Xandria Name Game

13 years ago
Welcome to the first Xandria Name Game! The idea behind this is that you must figure out the real names of all these phony accounts made. You will each receive a message from me, revealing one other player's true identity. You may not share this with anyone! Each player will have to figure out who is who by talking to them and seeing past these characters. How one wins this game is by PMing me who you think everyone is. You must get every answer right, and can only do so once. So, please, take your time and most importantly have fun!

The Xandria Name Game

13 years ago
All of the PMs were sent your fake accounts. Let the game begin!

The Xandria Name Game

13 years ago
Do we get a list of players participating and a list of fake accounts participating?

The Xandria Name Game

13 years ago
Silly me! Of course you do, I knew I forgot something.

The Xandria Name Game

13 years ago
Real Accounts Fake Accounts
Ugilick HalfAnInchLong
SindriV SuperSuper
Zikara Justin_Burg
Cool74 Guesswho?
ThisisBo Qouter

The Xandria Name Game

13 years ago
“When things go wrong, you'll find they usually go on getting worse for some time; but when things once start going right they often go on getting better and better.”

Lets get this thing started.

The Xandria Name Game

13 years ago

It's nice to see that the game has Xandria's name attached to it.

The Xandria Name Game

13 years ago

Definately required

The Xandria Name Game

13 years ago

What do the people in this game think about Fergie's little mischief, that eventually spawned this game?

The Xandria Name Game

13 years ago
I had tons of laughs.

The Xandria Name Game

13 years ago
It was pretty hilarious, i though

The Xandria Name Game

13 years ago

Ugilick = Guesswho?

SindriV = Qouter

Zikara = SuperSuper

Cool74 = HalfAnInchLong

ThisisBo = Justin_Burg


Am I right? Did I get it?

The Xandria Name Game

13 years ago
You're supposed to send it in a PM to DS, and I am pretty sure you only got 1/5 right.

The Xandria Name Game

13 years ago

Well, this is all rather dull. Might I make a suggestion? Let's all come up with some kind of scenario. Something interesting that we can actually focus on. If all we do is chat lightly this is going to be a very long and boring game.

The Xandria Name Game

13 years ago

Very well then. What sort of scenario do you have in mind?

The Xandria Name Game

13 years ago
Yeah, this game is really slow right now.

The Xandria Name Game

13 years ago
Since no one is going to get this game started. I am going to try. how is the weather in your area.

The Xandria Name Game

13 years ago

Well, sometimes you have rain here, sometimes you have sun. The occasional clouds, unless of course we pray to the rain gods.

The Xandria Name Game

13 years ago
I claim that ThisisBo is Guesswho?

The Xandria Name Game

13 years ago
You're supposed to send DS a message, not say who you think is who in the forums.

The Xandria Name Game

13 years ago
Conversation starter Who wins.

The Xandria Name Game

13 years ago
Where is DS? I sent him a message where I stated who I thought everyone was, and he hasn't responded. That's a little disappointing. I am dying to see whether I am right or not.

The Xandria Name Game

13 years ago

I'm happy you guys started a game based on my prank. ^_^

Anyway, I haven't seen DS in a while either. Remember when he started the Prediction game and he just disappeared for a while? Hmmm. I hope that doesn't happen again.

Well, about the scenario, maybe you guys should let a personality that you've never shown out. One that's the complete opposite of you (sort of like how I did with Xandria).

The Xandria Name Game

13 years ago
SindriV was the first one to reply, and wins the game.
Real Accounts Fake Accounts
Ugilick HalfAnInchLong
SindriV SuperSuper
Zikara Justin_Burg
Cool74 Guesswho?
ThisisBo Qouter

I apologize for not being active the past few days, I just started a new job and I play a lot of WoW.

The Xandria Name Game

13 years ago
Aaaw yeah!

Wait, those aren't right! It should be:


The Xandria Name Game

13 years ago
Yeah sorry I copied and pasted from the CYS Notepad and it never comes out the same. You win though!

The Xandria Name Game

13 years ago

Hey! i got it right too! sweet!

The Xandria Name Game

13 years ago
Good job dude!

The Xandria Name Game

13 years ago

I knew Cool was quoter!

The Xandria Name Game

13 years ago
was it that obvious?

The Xandria Name Game

13 years ago
Rather. I think that was the first one I got.

The Xandria Name Game

13 years ago

You misspelled Canada pretty badly. haha

The Xandria Name Game

13 years ago
I hope I covered that up.

The Xandria Name Game

13 years ago

And you were the only one to have a pic for a while, that clued me off.

The Xandria Name Game

13 years ago
what is it with not having profile pics?

The Xandria Name Game

13 years ago
That can say something about the person behind it.

The Xandria Name Game

13 years ago

You just always assign a pic. Of course if everybody besides quoter had a pic I'd still suspect you.