Explosives are too flashy, I agree. I once trained them out of mere boredom, and for a few hours I thought I was playing a Call of Duty title. Oh, and to your holorifle I counter with this:
"The holorifle can fire a total of about 495 times using standard cells, the equivalent of 124 reloads, from full condition before breaking. Because of a bug, the reinforced components only improve overall weapon durability by 8 more shots, requiring only 2 more reloads."
And when compared to the Christine's COS silencer rifle:
Christine's COS silencer rifle can fire a total of about 420 standard rounds, the equivalent of 84 reloads, from full condition before breaking.
Not too bad a difference considering how much critical damage is dealt by Christine's rifle.
Addendum: Probably the reason why your Rifle never degrades is this (a bug): With the reinforced components modification and 100% condition, the holorifle will not take damage while firing regular microfusion cells. With Raul as an active companion applying the Full Maintenance companion perk, the holorifle will not take any damage even while firing over charged, max charge or optimized cells, and even with the Built to Destroy perk.