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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

Guys, we have another influ-

12 years ago

I've never seen that many registered users at one time.

I don't even know most of them.

Guys, we have another influ-

12 years ago

I think I've seem more. Haven't counted though.

Guys, we have another influ-

12 years ago

Hopefully they don't turn out like ghosts.  They didn't even introduce themselves in the Newbie Central...


On another note, is there a constant stream of guests now?  (What I meant was that there is at least one guest on-site 24/7)

Guys, we have another influ-

12 years ago

I didn't introduce myself either... I think there is at least 1 guest at any time.

Guys, we have another influ-

12 years ago

probably Endmaster or anotherr of the older generation stalking.

Guys, we have another influ-

12 years ago

Or a government spy waiting and watching... A mustache government spy...

Guys, we have another influ-

12 years ago

Neither did I.

Guys, we have another influ-

12 years ago

I never introduced myself either. 

Guys, we have another influ-

12 years ago

Nor I, I did mine a almost a year after I started even though  I was already posting XD

Guys, we have another influ-

12 years ago

Attack of the SPIDER BOTS!!!

*Runs off screaming into the night...

Guys, we have another influ-

12 years ago

Why spider bots? I'm pretty sure I saw a user with a name related to mustache. 

Guys, we have another influ-

12 years ago

Ooh! Mustache Bots are the worst!

Guys, we have another influ-

12 years ago

Hello! I don't know if I count as new anymore because I have been here for 10+ days but I can promise I will be here for a long time and even recommend this site to my friends :) I didn't know I could introduce myself in the newbie central but would have if I did.

Guys, we have another influ-

12 years ago

Welcome old timer hehe  ;)

Guys, we have another influ-

12 years ago

Don't be intimidated by BZ. His mallet doesn't do much. ^_^

Guys, we have another influ-

12 years ago

* clonk

Guys, we have another influ-

12 years ago

Hey, I just schooled you in poems. I don't think you want a repeat. 

(also, why is the title influ- and not influx?)

Guys, we have another influ-

12 years ago

Your poems make baby harp seals spontaneously combust.

Just ask Briar...  ^_^

Guys, we have another influ-

12 years ago

Some of you guys posts are so funny, I read but don't post xD I find myself reading from top to bottom forum topics instead of the story game I was about to play.

Guys, we have another influ-

12 years ago

You should go forum diving and find some of the more classic forms. Some masterpieces just can't be recreated.

Guys, we have another influ-

12 years ago

Definatley. You can find hilarious discussions if you look hard enough, and the search function works. I just put in key words like troll, for example, and found masterpieces.

Guys, we have another influ-

12 years ago

Hahaha, you were right! Searching troll came up with a ton on of really funny discussions.

Guys, we have another influ-

12 years ago

I do believe that I am much older then both of you, new gen people.

Guys, we have another influ-

12 years ago

You're one to talk. I've been here longer than you, Cool.

Guys, we have another influ-

12 years ago

But what about JJJ?  He pretty much rules us all if we based authority on age...

Guys, we have another influ-

12 years ago

3J's the straight-up steward (meaning he's the zeus when the creaters (the titans) are gone), but basing it off age Zero, Nate, Madglee, Oct, and Paul are all up there as well. Was Paul an admin before hiatus? 

Guys, we have another influ-

12 years ago

Yep. Him, Havacoman and Solo were all moderators in the past. Moderation powers used to be tied to having the power to award a trophy, so (excluding myself) the list of past and present moderators is the exact same as the list of member trophies.

Guys, we have another influ-

12 years ago

Is Endmaster a moderator? That would be odd. 

Guys, we have another influ-

12 years ago

It is no longer tied to mod power.

Guys, we have another influ-

12 years ago

Ooh, you're right. Completely forgot about EndMaster. Yes, End has a trophy but no moderation powers.

Guys, we have another influ-

12 years ago

I have almost been on as long as you. In fact Generation wise I would clump us together with bo ugilick and fergie because we all became active around the same time.

Guys, we have another influ-

12 years ago

Ah, I feel lonely now. None of the people who started up around the same time I did stayed. Although, I think AtomicWaste started posting around the same time I did and he posts somewhat semi-frequently. 

Guys, we have another influ-

12 years ago

haha I just considered you lumped in with our generation, I didn't notice you started later XD

Guys, we have another influ-

12 years ago

He started earlier Bo.

Guys, we have another influ-

12 years ago

I just laughed when I saw Berka up and running around the forums as soon as he arrived XD  (He would be my littler-brother in terms of CYS age)

Guys, we have another influ-

12 years ago

I think Bo's talking about when Playa started posting, which was about six or seven months after you guys joined. (Had to search for that - up until this point I just thought Playa started posting around the same time as you guys.)

Guys, we have another influ-

12 years ago

^ Bam, logic bomb