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Right, so I had this idea...

12 years ago

Right, so  I'm working on this story right. Where you'll start as a young boy in the land of Albion (I know, I know, but names aren't my thing), which is a land in the industrial age. Basically steam-punk, with magic.  Then you choose how your life proceeds from there. It'll involve a bit of war,  bit of friendship, and if I can get it right, romance. I'm hoping to create a rather large game with multiple possible endings and storylines. Which of course will take some time.

That's the basic idea I've got down so far. Any thoughts?

Right, so I had this idea...

12 years ago

Rockabilly delinquents in alternate-history steampunk 1950s fight nihilistic hipsters who are able to invoke mystical powers by ingesting some sort of magical hallucinogenic plant. The conflict is based on the hipsters' insidious plan to redirect the city's steam supply into a gigantic device that makes very loud, discordant sounds (not unlike a jazz band), thereby threatening the rockabilly delinquents' source of fuel for their steam-powered hot rods. Also, the hero's love interest will be a waifish, naïve farm girl named Tamatha-Sue who has come to the city to live with her uncle, who sells weapons out the back of his Polish deli.

Right, so I had this idea...

12 years ago

Wouldn't that be a story... :P

Right, so I had this idea...

12 years ago

Well you can start by drawing the worldmap(or the area/important spots that you would like to have) on something. This would provide a base for your world so you can make your story more connected to said world.

You could also decide how magic and technolegy will affect eachother. Will it not matter much in a cosmic sense or will it be like Arcanum(best example of the T vs M i know of)

Make sure to decide between God's or none and if there are gods are they a united(ahem) pantheon or seperate rivals?

I found this thread for you that might help.

For me it's always better to create the world up to the point to where your story begins and then write your story. 

Right, so I had this idea...

12 years ago

I've got the world loosely down. Mostly basing it on late industrial revolution England, although divided into city states. Not going to include too many fantastic beasts, if any. I don't feel they fit into the universe. As for a map, I can't seem to make one I'm happy about. I might have to do that once I've got more of the story down.

As for magic and technology interacting. They might, in some limited way. But not very prominently. Mages will make up a somewhat small group and most won't be bothered with running machinery and such.

Thanks for the advice and the link!

Right, so I had this idea...

12 years ago

Sounds good man, if you get the writing and story right and its in depth also detailed it'd be well received by everyone (pretty much) including me!! Hows it going so far?