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You can pass if you did choose...

11 years ago

Suppose you're writing one your storygames and you want to make an option that becomes active only if he chose a certain choice at some point.


I know how to do this by creating a variable "Special" and giving it a value of 1 if he chose that choice, if he has a special of 1 later he will have that option. However, I think there must be an easier way to do this, any ideas? Thanks :)

You can pass if you did choose...

11 years ago

That's pretty much it, though you can also do that with Items (using the Link Restrictions based on if an Item is in the Inventory or not). But yeah, You have to use Variables to keep track of Actions Taken / Not Taken during the game.

You can pass if you did choose...

11 years ago

Really? Doesn't it make games unnecessarily confusing? Well, maybe that's the easiest way to do it...

Wait, can you put items in the player automatically without him noticing? That may make the whole thing easier (you know, like "I crossed the point zero bridge" item).


Thanks again :D

You can pass if you did choose...

11 years ago

Doing any kind of 'coding' is potentially confusing and a major bitch to keep track of, but the results can be worth the hassle  =)

As for sneaking an Item into the Inventory without the player noticing... I'm not sure if you can do that or not...

But I can guarantee that it is still easier (and quicker) just to use Variable Markers to keep track of things in your game and set the Link Restrictions (the little Stop Sign Icon) accordingly.

You can pass if you did choose...

11 years ago

Nope, variables are the simplest method. Even just logically thinking about it, variables are the simplest method possible. They make a choice, you save that choice, you look at that choice later.

On a slightly related note, you seem to be complaining about a lot of things on the forums concerning the functionality of the editor lol.