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Greetings fellow authors!

7 years ago

I am writing my first story, titled The Songs of Rebellion, and I hope it turns out great. I would like to hear anyone’s thoughts on how to create a believable and immersive fantasy story. Thanks, and good luck to everyone!

Greetings fellow authors!

7 years ago

Welcome to the site. I look forward to seeing your first release!

Greetings fellow autists!

7 years ago
Hey, welcome to the site.

I'd recommend reading and reviewing a few of the top fantasy stories, you might find some inspiration there. As to your question, I think that's something a lot of people here could go on about at length, but I'd recommend making a thread in the Writing Workshop about it.

Usually I advise newbies to tackle smaller projects when they're still getting used to the editor and CYOA format, but if you're feeling inspired go for it I guess. Might be a good idea to look over the articles on the advanced editor and scripting to get a grasp on the basics of all that though, with a big project especially I think you'll find it streamlines a lot of things.

Greetings fellow authors!

7 years ago

Thanks. I’ve read some other stories on this site, and I was really inspired by them to create my own work. I hope my first release won’t take too long!

Greetings fellow authors!

7 years ago
Welcome to the site, good luck with your story.

Greetings fellow authors!

7 years ago
Hey hey

Greetings fellow authors!

7 years ago

Out of every 'welcome to the site' message that every user gives, yours are always my favorites, I don't know why.

Greetings fellow authors!

7 years ago

Hey there! I hope you have as much fun as we all do on this site. Can't wait to play your game!

Greetings fellow authors!

7 years ago

Welcome to the site.  I like your title, by the way.  I personally find titles hard.

Greetings fellow authors!

7 years ago


Greetings fellow authors!

7 years ago

When did Mizal morph into a drow elf?


Greetings fellow authors!

7 years ago

Deep down she's always been a drow.

Greetings fellow authors!

7 years ago

Valid.  :)