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new guy in town

5 months ago
hello i am jordan 17 and i just made an account.i am almost finished with my first story game a knights tale.i love this site.

new guy in town

5 months ago
Hi Jordan - welcome! :^)

I’m interested to see your take on the classic trope of knight vs dragon. It also seems like you’re willing to hear feedback, which is always good! There are a lot of good writing resources in the “Help and Info” section, along with the more writing oriented sections of the forum. Since you mentioned grammar being difficult for you in the stories summary, you might want to check out the ‘Intro To Grammar’, ‘Dialogue Punctuation’, and ‘Proofreading’ articles.

Are there any books or other types of media that really inspired you while making A Knights Tale?

new guy in town

5 months ago

i mostly took it from the classic stories and movies.and my 4th wall jokes are from other cyoa.i am probably going to do a longer story later.thanks for replying