granolagoth, The Contributor

Member Since


Last Activity

7/26/2024 10:44 PM

EXP Points


Post Count


Storygame Count


Duel Stats

0 wins / 6 losses




Hi! You can call me Alexis, or Al if you dont feel like typing an extra four letters. :^)

My top three genres to read are science fiction, horror, and dark fantasy.

Feel free to shoot me a message, I like to yap.

Trophies Earned

Earning 100 Points


Festival of Dreams & Memories
When Cleo Yang goes missing in the middle of the night, her fiancée finds herself (and her cat) spirited away to the land of the fae. Once there, she has until dawn to find Cleo and get them all home. The alternative is to become the newest denizens of the fae world... permanently.

Come, traveler, and experience the Festival of Dreams and Memories!


Written for EndMaster's third prompt challenge.

Prompt: A story involving a major festival within the fairy world.

Loneliness of the Stone Giant
Artist. Seer. Dreamer.


Play as Zarkada, a stone giant.

A bit of an experiment in writing different genres within a larger story. A ?-in-1 CYOA pack, if you will.

Recent Posts

2024 Summer Reading Comp Progress Tracker on 7/26/2024 10:43:50 PM
Noted. Thank you! :^)

2024 Summer Reading Comp Progress Tracker on 7/26/2024 10:02:59 PM
Got a total case of the brain worms and accidentally posted my review on The Ghost People before it was completely finished. Could it please be deleted so I can re-comment with the full review? Or should I just make another comment on the game with the bit I missed?

Black, Female or Gay? on 7/26/2024 1:19:03 PM
Assuming this was actually intended for me and Crimson is just confused again: I ended up changing my mind, but originally considered it because I’ve always wondered what it feels like to be a dude, haha. I would also get way faster gainz, & I think I’d look alright as a guy so… it wouldn’t matter that much to me. But then I was thinking I’d probably get even sweatier than I do now and I don’t think I could live like that. I ultimately decided I’d rather be ace than bi because sex is overrated and I have better things to do with my time. Plus it’s kind of gross and uncomfortable anyway so it would just make life easier.

Black, Female or Gay? on 7/26/2024 12:55:34 PM
Bi white female —> ace white female

Thunderdome 14: Yummyfood vs mrcrimsonclean! on 7/24/2024 6:29:53 PM
Story B. More in depth thoughts when I'm done with work.

By Far The Most Retarded Thing Ever on 7/24/2024 6:12:04 PM
Try using more hairspray and spend more time writing gay poetry in cemeteries. While wearing fishnets and listening to Bauhaus.

Olympics 2024!! on 7/24/2024 2:37:57 PM
Forgot the Olympics were happening soon, so was happy to see I didn't miss it!! I'm more of a winter games kind of person, but I am looking forward to the opening ceremony this year. They're doing a new thing and holding the ceremonies outside of the main field, and I believe most of the parade is taking place along the Seine, so sure to see some really #dramatic footage. However, apparently, the swimming events are ALSO taking place in the river which is... questionable. Anybody have anything they care about in particular? Or any predictions (beyond somebody getting some sort of river parasite)? Personally, am ready to see the gymnastics, weightlifting, and discus/javelin throwing events.

2024 Summer Reading Comp Progress Tracker on 7/13/2024 7:31:26 PM
Featured Reviews:

In 3


In Limbo:

The Ghost People (For real this time.)


Working On:

A Knight's Pursuit
The Red Church

The Curse of Thunderdome 13, Duel B on 7/8/2024 9:54:38 PM
Congratulations to Raven & Wizzy for their wins! Excited to see what you both put out for the final match, especially since Raven now has a taste for sweet sweet blood. Alien & Yummy, nicely done and props for submitting where other challengers had fled. For future reference, are you allowed to vote for yourself? Seems kind of dishonorable.

The Curse of Thunderdome 13, Duel A on 7/7/2024 12:27:25 AM
Honestly I liked both of these equally, and would love to see more for both of them. However, story B made me laugh, so my vote is for story B.