This is an Administrative Announcement:
The individual that you, as a community, have known by the names: Brennonwilson1, Brennonwilson2, Brennonwilson3, TheFINALBRENNON, Jackaboy, Animeguy1, Grrrrr, Meiwmsi, Jwmai, Bjhvjy, and Cherryhel15, (exc...)
AKA "Brennon" has been permanently banned from CYS due to illegal photo distribution and extremely inappropriate conduct toward multiple site members.
I want to be clear: I am NOT talking about simple trolling, I am NOT talking about simply breaking CYS policy, I am talking about actions that have gotten people jail time. This is serious.
The investigation regarding this was extremely unpleasant and I have already discussed the subject ad-nauseam (and I really do mean that) so I do not want to rehash the finer details here for the sake of morbid curiosity.
Understand, though: his presence will NOT be tolerated on the forums or on this site in any way, shape, or form.
I would appreciate the community's full cooperation on this matter.
Brennon, if you're reading this, give up. Move on. There is nothing left for you here. As you've already been told, you are not welcome here any longer, and no matter how many times you change your name, I will find you again. We're not giving you any more chances and we're not listening to any more excuses.
You know what you did was wrong, and your behavior before, during, and after the night in question was reprehensible. If you care about anyone in this community, then the only decent thing you could do now is leave for good and stop upsetting them.
If you don't, I (and every other CYS mod) will continue to kick you off this site as many times as it takes until you yield.
-The Admin Staff of CYS