Alright, this is the new and improved CYS Media Archive. Going to keep it to mainly just links, names and a short description so there's less slow down with the thread due to whole ass videos getting posted. Also this will consolidate and organize things a bit better.
Overmental Podcast
Way back in the 2010s there was (still is apparently) a site called Overmental and they had some readings of CYS stories. Quite a lot in fact. You actually can find these on the applestore I believe even. The guys (and girl) who did the readings were cool from what little I spoke to them. I know they had accounts here.
Anyway I'm just linking directly to the ones where they're reading my stories, but if you want to look for others, you can search around the Overmental site or just look up "Go Your Own Way" podcast on the applestore.
Love SICK (Nothing like a good start)
Ground Zero part 1
Ground Zero part 2
Ground Zero part 3
Youtube (Adventure Duo)
This one is probably the closest to an "official" CYS story reading Youtube channel. The member Coyote runs this channel and does story readings with his brother.
Dungeon Stompage by BerkaZerka
Dungeon Stompage Part 1
Dungeon Stompage Part 2
Dungeon Stompage Part 3
Dungeon Stompage Part 4
Dungeon Stompage Part 5
Project Lovecraft by Margret Dobbs
Project Lovecraft
Halloween Fight by Benholman
Halloween Fright
The Spartan Life by citizen9100
The Spartan Life
That Spinal Cord Story by tylerrusso
That Spinal Cord Story
Warchimp by hetero_malk
Overthrown: The Makings of a God by ramerman
Overthrown: The Makings of a God Part 1
Overthrown: The Makings of a God Part 2
That Killer Gordon Ramsay Story by Sherbet and ISentinelPenguinI
That Killer Gordon Ramsay Story
Youtube (General Readings)
This is going to mostly consist of "single shot" CYS story readings by various youtubers. These aren't in any particular order.
Reading of Necromancer: A couple plays through from beginning to end of the "One Foot in Hell" path.
Necromancer Part 1
Necromancer Part 2
Necromancer Part 3
Reading of Eternal: This is really brief. Doesn't go too much further than Semra training Francis on the Struggle path.
Very Brief Eternal Reading
Reading of Dead Man Walking: Group reading Berka's Dead Man Walking.
Dead Man Walking Part 1
Dead Man Walking Part 2
Dead Man Walking Part 3
Reading and Review of Briar/Avery Stories: A couple reads Briar's story (Long). Also adding a review of her Price of Freedom story and how it beat the chicken soup out of the faggots at the IF comp back in 2014.
Reading of The Tower of Riddles
Review of The Price of Freedom
Reading of The Secret of Daphne: A couple reads simplesabley's story.
The Secret of Daphne
Reading of Survive the Zombies: Reading of Killa Robot's story.
Survive the Zombies
Reading of Dog Day: Reading of Chris' Dog Day story. For some reason part 1 is age restricted.
Dog Day Part 1 (Age restricted)
Dog Day Part 2
Reading of Mazkil and Don't Blink: Two for one video involving Mazkil by Steve and Don't Blink by Legendarny/lopiko
Mazkil and Don't Blink
Readings of Mommy Can I Go Out and Kill Tonight?: Two different readings of Madglee's Mommy story. (Currently taken down)
Very long reading of Mommy
Much shorter reading of Mommy
Reading of Star Wars A Padawan's Journey: This story has long since been taken down by JMGSkills.
Star Wars A Padawan's Journey
Youtube (Everyday English with Luke)
Apparently this Youtube channel is teaching English using some of the stories on here. Quite a few divided into parts, so I'm just going to link to the playlists.
A Pirate's Life For Me by skyz
I'm Going Out by ScienceOfficerCat
Desperate Heart by Corinthian
A UFO at School by Ogre
U R: A Magician by Rod and Con
LIfe as a teenager by a whole damn class apparently
The Last Man Standing by primates
YouTube (The Laughing Lampwick)
This guy streams everything so most of these are incredibly long and in a lot of cases don't focus entirely on the CYS story readings. I'll provide the time stamps though on where they begin and end along with the stories that are read.
First one is Ninja's Gunslinger, Pugpup's The Bard's Tale and somerandomperson's Behemoth. It's pretty much the only one where it's all CYS stories, just takes awhile for him to get going.
Time Stamp: 20:40-End
Gunslinger, The Bard's Tale and Behemoth
A Pirate’s Life For Me by Skyz_26 and A Magical Tale by adventurer.
Time Stamp: 20:51-1:06:17
A Pirate’s Life For Me and A Magical Tale
Bloodlines by Endrew
Time Stamp: 12:44-29:00
Rum Runner’s Tale by Omnipixil
Time Stamp: 8:30-48:00
Rum Runner’s Tale
Slaying Song by Brad
Time Stamp: 5:00-16:35
Slaying Song
The City and the Tower by betaband
Time Stamp: 5:47-24:16
The City and the Tower
YouTube (CYStian Channels)
This is a list all the videos directly related to known CYStians here or otherwise talking about the site itself rather than doing any story readings.
Avery's Animations: This is a thread mainly involving videos about Avery's Nanoramo thing (and the drama that place had). She also talks about other writing stuff on her channel.
Avery's Animations Thread
Link to her channel proper
Tev's Tunes: This is a music playlist that the once more active member Tev created for some reason.
Tev's Tunes for the CYS Community
PCGenie Praising the Site: If you're REALLY old, you might remember this guy. Bloodgroove enthusiast PCGenie made a single video praising the place and then pretty much disappeared back to his LARPing hobby.
PCGenie Praising the Site
Sent's CYSWWE: SentinelPenguin made some amusing wrestling videos using members of the site.
These are links to various articles relating to stories and/or authors on the site.
Re-Election Campaign Review: A blog called Through the Shattered Lens that gave a positive review of Orange's story.
Re-Election Campaign Review
Necromancer on a Top 15 List: A site called lucrorpg put Necromancer on a list of "Top 15 Necromancer RPGs" (Or play as one) Pretty cool to be listed among stuff like Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous, Skyrim, Diablo, etc.
Necromancer is number 15
Or here's a pic for the lazy.