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The Curse of Norgurune - Riddles and Puzzles 2016

9 years ago

There are many legends about the northern kingdom of Farnorth. It was created during a rebellion in the year 917. The leaders, Vronar Coldslayer and Bortusken Thunderbeard, dueled to determine who would rule the new kingdom. The winner was Vronar, but Bortusken cursed Vronar before he was slain.

You, Vingrad Coldslayer, king of Farnorth, have been experiencing terrible nightmares of undead abominations and unholy monsters. Your people's children have been disappearing during the night. You must solve the prophecy given to you by the ghost of your ancestor Vronar and save your kingdom from the curse of Norgurune.


This is a fantasy game that I am writing  for the contest. I only have the first page done because I created it about ten minutes ago. I have decided to make a writing workshop thread, though. I plan on making the game about deciphering Bortusken's  curse (which I have not yet written) and using the answer to save Farnorth.

The Curse of Norgurune - Riddles and Puzzles 2016

9 years ago
Good luck with your submission!

The Curse of Norgurune - Riddles and Puzzles 2016

9 years ago

I like the direction you are going with this plot, the story fits well with the puzzle/riddle theme if you ask me. Good luck with it!

The Curse of Norgurune - Riddles and Puzzles 2016

8 years ago

So this is going to be a riddle thing? Yesss

The Curse of Norgurune - Riddles and Puzzles 2016

8 years ago
Good luck, this sounds like fun. I do hope you have time to finish it.

The Curse of Norgurune - Riddles and Puzzles 2016

8 years ago

Even if it's not done by the due date, I will still publish it afterwards. Anyways, I have like 10 pages done. I think I will need to work longer and harder in order to finish it in like a week.

The Curse of Norgurune - Riddles and Puzzles 2016

8 years ago

If anyone is interested, I will let one person read my progress so far (I have not yet put in End Game and Leave Comments links, or links to go to previous page when needed).

The Curse of Norgurune - Riddles and Puzzles 2016

8 years ago

Man, this is difficult. I feel like I should have made it different, but now it seems to be too late to change it. I think I have around 10-12 pages done.

EDIT: 22 pages done.

The Curse of Norgurune - Riddles and Puzzles 2016

8 years ago

30 pages done. The beginning of my story right now is a bit cluttered and has some loops, which I should try to fix. Right now I am working on getting to the main ending, although that I will still have quite a bit of work to do after that.

The Curse of Norgurune - Riddles and Puzzles 2016

8 years ago

61 pages completed. I think that I am almost done with this. The beginning is better now, although there are still places where you can do something twice that you should only do once.

The Curse of Norgurune - Riddles and Puzzles 2016

8 years ago
Good luck! Hope you get it finished... :)

The Curse of Norgurune - Riddles and Puzzles 2016

8 years ago

I'm done! I published it! Its 10:21 where I live, so I'm kinda tired. Anyways, I  hope you enjoy my game!

The Curse of Norgurune

The Curse of Norgurune - Riddles and Puzzles 2016

8 years ago

Oh, wow, and with two days to spare! I just took a look and it's really impressive work for something that you started just a week ago.

Although, I did notice what looks like an unfinished page when I talk to the Court Wizard, since the last sentence on the page is just:

"Then I saw the wight, his ancient flesh

Also, when going into the cave with Dardis, the page where you supposedly grab Koinvadrel doesn't actually give you the item.

Just thought you might want a heads up.

The Curse of Norgurune - Riddles and Puzzles 2016

8 years ago

I fixed both of those things.

The Curse of Norgurune - Riddles and Puzzles 2016

8 years ago
Congrats on getting it done! I look forward to reading it.