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Worldbuilding: What shit am I supposed to grow!?

7 years ago

So I'm trying to make a fantasy world with a bunch of different cultures that live in wildly different places. Thing about it is, is that I don't know what sort of foods it takes to sustain a person in good health until they die of natural causes, so I don't know what sort of things they would farm. One could always say that they farm potatoes around these parts, but I'm pretty sure that people cannot live off of potatoes alone. One of my "adventurers" is a tavern reviewer whose entourage sweeps him up into death-defying adventure, so it's pretty fucking important that I know what combinations of things people would have around the larder!

Is there like, a generator that takes into account the combinations of food nutrients it takes to sustain humanity, and lists crops that have those nutrients? Are there plants and animals listed by nutritional value and available climate?

Worldbuilding: What shit am I supposed to grow!?

7 years ago

Is this for a story?

If it’s for a story I’d say first focus on the immediate things of importance for it as far as world building goes. If for example, indoor plumbing isn’t playing a major role in your story directly, you don’t need to go into any detail about it.

But to partially answer your food question here’s a quick run down on some cold hardy food:

Spinach, Leeks, Kale, Parsnips, Lettuce, Cabbage, Turnips and Chard are supposed to be pretty cold weather resistant.

Grapes, Raspberries, Strawberries, Elderberries, Blueberries are cold resistant fruit.

There’s probably more than these though (and examples of warm climate friendly fruit/vegetables) if you give a quick glance through gardening sites.

Yeah, it sucks that you have to take time away from writing to do a little research when you world build, but it’s necessary sometimes. (The struggle)

Worldbuilding: What shit am I supposed to grow!?

7 years ago

It's for a story, yeah. I've always tried to build the world ahead of what I'm doing, since the setting is supposed to be a less-than-Tolkeinian-in-scale-but-still-fuckin'-huge place. This has mostly been an excuse to watch Lindybeige videos and all of Shadiversity's stuff about castles, but I'm already at the point where the guy is in the tavern and I realized I was sorely prepared to make a mountain-person dish. The society he's in are supposed to be Terrace Farmers from Taiga Fjords. I have no idea if anything edible grows in Taiga Fjords, I've just always assumed that there was dark dirt there, so it would work. On another note, I had no idea that grapes were cold-resistant. I thought you had to be Mediterranean or warmer to grow them.

For right now, I'm going to say he can have something rhubarb-ey with a steak-and-onion goulash or something, because I know they can have wooly Scotland cows. That, and rhubarb and onions can grow over winter, which is most of the year in this place.

Worldbuilding: What shit am I supposed to grow!?

7 years ago

It doesn't have to be potatoes, you know. I mean, one can theoretically live off potatoes and potato dishes (just look at Steve), but that seems more like poor farmer than a national food. There's carrots, lettuce, tomatoes, radishes, etc. But don't just think of vegetables. Fruits, such as apples and oranges, contain vitamins and other nutrients not found in vegetables. Like Vitamin C. They are also sweeter and are better for beverages compared to veggies. So, unless you want your populous to be scurvy-ridden potato farmers (like Steve), I recommend you add some fruits in there as well. Bananas, grapes, tomatoes, watermelons, you get the gist. And don't forget grains, like rice and wheat!

But it's not just about the food, it's about where the food is.

If the climate tends to be warm and sunny, citrus fruits are a must. For bitter, harsher climates (like Ireland), vegetables that are in the resistant soil are your best bet. More moderate climates are home to the majority of fruits and veggies, though, so you might need a greenhouse or nursery for cold and hot climates, respectively.

Enough about all this vegan crap, though.

Meat from livestock (or monsters, if you're like that) are a vital source of Protein. You can't live off nuts and seeds, after all. Eggs can also be a great source. There's also Calcium from various sources of milk, though the cow seems to be th most popular. Beef, chicken, pork, etc. Meat makes you stronger. People who tend to eat ONLY meat, though, end up fatter and more likely to end up sick or dead.

Anyway, one should find a balance between these to make wonderful dishes. Veggie soup with bread, Beef with veggie sauce and wine, or a simple serving of mashed potatoes and apple juice. Be sure to never have one area (village or otherwise) entirely dependent on one source of food. Those are few and far between.

Worldbuilding: What shit am I supposed to grow!?

7 years ago

You type "tomato", but I type "tomato".
You type "potato", but I type "potato",
Tomato, tomato, potato, potato,

Worldbuilding: What shit am I supposed to grow!?

7 years ago

Greenhouses, m8.

Worldbuilding: What shit am I supposed to grow!?

7 years ago

Oh, certainly. As soon as my isolationist Mountain Vikings both find Bananas and invent glass architecture. Hell, as soon as my isolationist mountain vikings invent glass.

Wait they might already have glass nevermind.

Worldbuilding: What shit am I supposed to grow!?

7 years ago

Racist prick.

Worldbuilding: What shit am I supposed to grow!?

7 years ago

I luv u 2 bb <3

Worldbuilding: What shit am I supposed to grow!?

7 years ago
.....are you the real Tim?

Worldbuilding: What shit am I supposed to grow!?

7 years ago


Worldbuilding: What shit am I supposed to grow!?

7 years ago
But you were so, so...literate, and on topic. It was weird.

Oh well, you're back to normal now. Just a fluke I guess.

Worldbuilding: What shit am I supposed to grow!?

7 years ago


I have my moments.

Worldbuilding: What shit am I supposed to grow!?

7 years ago

To take a different approach, I have no idea what nutrients it takes to survive. Potatoes can make up a lot of the diet, along with a few other vegetables and the occasional bit of meat I would assume, but who the fuck knows? Scientists, probably. Why am I giving you an answer so unhelpful it could be summarized by a shrug? Realistically, as long as you're somewhat realistic, like not having them eat bananas in the icy Artic or living entirely on grapes, pretty much everyone will buy it. Honestly, the time spent learning about nutrients and shit would be better spent focusing on something the reader will actually give a shit about and that you'll actually enjoy, like character growth or something.

Worldbuilding: What shit am I supposed to grow!?

7 years ago

I dunno. for some reason, I've just reached this point in writing where the question of food and farming is just really interesting to me at the moment. Like, Elves are supposed to be in harmony with nature, so they don't butcher plants or animals, which is fine as far as cheese, beans, grains and fruits go, since those all come off the plant quickly and naturally, but where the fuck do Elves get vegetables from? What tastes good that people would make with all these things available to them?

Maybe I'm also hungry, that's another possible explanation for this... I really want to make a steak and onion goulash...

Worldbuilding: What shit am I supposed to grow!?

7 years ago

Ah, well if it's something you're interested in, no bother, I was just saying if it was like a chore you can skip it.

Worldbuilding: What shit am I supposed to grow!?

7 years ago

Nah, man. Infrastructure is interesting as hell whenever it ties directly into people's culture as much as farming. It's ancient times, so the plants and animals they keep around, and the perception of their attributes because of that, can impact everything from their meals to their religion to their magic, how they perceive class and other peoples... You can really tell a lot about a fantasy race by the way they stink.