Wave 2, based on Bannerlord's links I dove back in and found these. A lot of articles were very old, I had to refer to Wayback machine often. As of now, the best resources I've found in general have been (in descending order of utility): Emily Short > IFwiki = Failbetter's writings = GDC Vault > Gamasutra > Choice of Games > everything else
From the makers of King of Dragon Pass, who are now working on its sequel (Six Ages), an extremely interesting article on the use of tags to guide event activation, options, and resolution. Highly recommended
Excellent article on Quality-Based Narrative, along with conversation network maps. The interesting thing to read between the lines here, is that if you look at it just right, don't the conversation maps look exactly like dungeon rooms to you?
Really solid analysis of what leads to breakdown in game development, and very helpful options on how to get over it
Two page article from some of the industry's greatest side-quest developers about side-quests (Including thoughts from The Witcher 3, Mass Effect, and Blizzard)
How to make stories engaging > By the plot, or by the mechanics
While most of the context is lost in the PDF, do try to find the two shapes in the PDF, a good design exercise
Along with Emily's QBN, this further delves into the act of building interesting NPCs into the story
Ignore the title, it's a good list of free/paid resources (fonts, art) that can be used in design
36 common plots, good to get ideas if you're stuck on what to include
More ideas
An interesting look into building stories as graphs