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Breakfast Bad or Breaking Eggs?

9 months ago
So I'm thinking of writing a light-hearted, silly fanfic storygame about Flynn/Walter White Jr. starting a breakfast restaurant chain after the events of Breaking Bad. I'm still in the stage of brainstorming for ideas, but I can think of some ways the story could go.

The bit that I'm stuck on is the title of the storygame. Which would be better: Breakfast Bad or Breaking Eggs?

Breakfast Bad or Breaking Eggs?

9 months ago

Neither. Change the setting of the story from a bed and breakfast to a partisserie and call it Baking Bad. 

Breakfast Bad or Breaking Eggs?

9 months ago
Or this works too.

Breakfast Bad or Breaking Eggs?

9 months ago
Breaking Eggs is kind of a generic phrase. Breakfast Bad makes the reference and joke more obvious even without other context imo.