Player Comments on A Knight's Pursuit
This was a pretty decent story. It definetly feels like a contest story because the beginning is really fleshed out, and the writing is much stronger. As you get closer to the end, it feels more rushed.
I like Ebon's writing. It's simple and engaging, and I really feel for the protagonist. I like the dilemma he had between choosing Lia or Olivida as his lady. On one hand, as a knight he should protect and honor the woman he loves, but on the other hand, he shouldn't abandon his sister.
For some reason, the game only let me choose between the Baron's daughter and Olvida. The choice to choose Lia wasn't available. I think you might have pruned that branch for time reasons.
That's a good summation of my feelings on this work: it starts out promising, but towards the end is clearly rushed, but it's not wholly without merit. It's decent. 5/8.
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on 2/7/2025 4:44:48 PM with a score of 0
I really liked the worldbuilding and setup in this storygame! Nice buildup and information about the player character's past, with both his sister and Lia. As I was reading through the storygame, I found myself feeling the conflict that the player character felt...wondering what option I should take when the Selection Ceremony was finished.
But what confused me was that, when I reached the point of choosing my pursuit, I had the opton to choose Olvida...or the Baron's daughter. Lia wasn't mentioned as a choice at all, which made me wonder if I made a choice earlier in the game that removed Lia from the running...but thinking back on it, I couldn't think of a choice that could have done that.
The inclusion of the Baron's daughter as a choice was something that confused me, as there was very little buildup or foreshadowing to the player character choosing someone other than his sister or the woman he had romantic feelings for. I also would have liked a bit more exploration after the Selection Ceremony, as it feels like completing the pursuit is more important than the choosing the pursuit itself.
All in all, I thought this storygame was really engaging, but I would have liked it to be a bit longer. At the moment, it feels more like a Prologue to a longer story. I haven't checked yet to see if you've written anything else in this world, but if you haven't yet, I hope you do eventually.
Thank you for writing and sharing this!
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on 1/12/2025 4:12:25 PM with a score of 0
General Recommendation: A well-written gauntlet-style story game.
Preview: To who will you pledge yourself as a knight; your childhood friend, or your sister in need?
General notes:
This story takes place in a medieval setting, but it focuses on a very human conflict; the narrator’s split duty between his sister and the woman he loves. There’s no clear right answer, and the story doesn’t delve into the morality of his decision, instead letting the player decide for themselves.
The dialogue and characterization is well done, with each of the two major characters showing defining traits and making the narrator’s connection with them clear. There’s not too much depth of course, given the short length of this game.
I would have liked to see some more of the aftermath of the narrator’s pledge. The story makes clear that it’s less important what you pledge yourself to is less important than your commitment to it. Whether or not the narrator can follow through on his commitment to his pledge is his true test, not the choice to do so in the first place. This isn’t covered by the scope of the story, however, making it feel more like the beginning of a time of conflict and trial in the narrator’s life rather than a decision and endpoint, as one would expect for the end of a game.
The use of variables makes the player’s decisions matter, preventing this from being a linear game.
Specific notes:
-I like the poem at the beginning, it sets the tone well.
-It would be nice if the information at the beginning could be conveyed through dialogue or action rather than summary. Even delivering it with some prompting from outside events, such as the narrator briefly interactin with his sister/mother/father could help to fix this.
-In the future I’d suggest making your character names more different from each other. I thought Lia was a nickname for Olvida at first.
-The narrator’s relationship with Lia is well-established in their first scene together, they have a casual way of interacting with each other that comes across naturally.
-I’d like to know more about the process involved with becoming a knight. The narrator is still living at home, but has armor and is apparently a full-fledged knight, capable of competing for a lady’s hand.
-The mother has been poisoning her stepdaughter?! That’s way beyond just resenting her.
-This isn’t important to the story, but historically speaking, the focus of the knights on their pursuits seems a bit odd in a practical sense. Why should a knight choose a single thing to devote their life to? Knights would take on a variety of quests historically, and commiting yourself unyeildingly to something other than a career seems like a financially unsound move.
-I like the structure of the ceremony, with a series of challenges potentially affecting each other’s outcomes. There’s a lot of choices here, and assuming they all matter, it’s done well.
-I like that there’s an option where you can pledge yourself to the baron’s daughter; it’s a completely strange decision given his earlier commitments, but it’s good that the player has that option.
All good.
Mastery of Language
The setence structure is nice and flows well, enhancing the story. The description is good and detailed without being too long.
I like “The sun fights through the clouds for attention”.
Alright, some endings are much easier to find than others and it’s not toally clear which actions lead to which endings.
Player Options/fair choice
Generally good, it’s clear what the outcome of options will be.
I recommend making the unclickable links visible, it took me a while to realize there were other endings.
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on 4/9/2022 8:51:15 AM with a score of 0
I like it better than most romance stories, perhaps it was because there was also a platonic option as well and that there were plenty of other things to focus on. The fights and sworddancing were honestly more exciting than all the romance parts combined. It felt as if the author has more experience writing action adventure stories than anything about romance.
Lia and Olvida were both allright, but I honestly think that the surprise option felt a little off. It somehow felt pretty out of character for the main character who so deeply cared for these two women in his life, to abandon them without any thought at all.
Of all the three women, I honestly do think that Olvida was the most well written of them, considering that she already has a deep connection with the main character and that there is a hint of a character arc going on. The conflict between them also felt very grounded. It is really about two people who want the other to be happy and think that the other shouldn't sacrifice themselves for their happiness. None of their respective viewpoints are really wrong, what makes it even more painful to see.
Ah, let's talk about Lia, your childhood friend character. I feel that Lia is just a little bland, seemly with no real personal hangups of her own except the vying for his love. Perhaps it would be interesting if she has a little more going. There were hints sprinkled throughout the story like your father's reputation being so bad that her family would be hesitant to approve you. I say, milk that drama for all that's worth.
However, the one that truly has won my heart is our drunk boy Darius and it's not only because we share the same name.
The writing is as much of a pleasant experience as always, but I have to say that the spelling mistakes at the end did become quite egregious. It's probably because you ran out of time, but I would recommend to at least proofread the epilogues again when you got the time and are willing to edit some of it.
All in all, a better romance story than most of the ones I've read. There are some tiny hiccups, but it was nevertheless a pleasant read.
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on 3/31/2022 12:43:29 AM with a score of 0
It was to short needs to be lot longer if you will up date it that will be appreciated, thank you.
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— Tristin Harris on 3/24/2025 7:23:12 PM with a score of 0
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on 2/22/2025 8:28:32 PM with a score of 0
why wasn't Lia a choice to pledge yourself to?
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— Ryan on 5/6/2024 12:14:46 AM with a score of 0
Honestly before reading the book, I scrolled through the comments and I realized the common option was to swear my oath to my half-sister Olvida. This in itself encouraged me to not oath to her and choose Lia, but my lord it took me at least 10 attempts. who would have guessed that I would just have a grudge against my sister because of all the endings I had of her. I enjoyed the story and I'm happy I can finally be with Lia.
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on 2/28/2024 11:14:13 AM with a score of 0
Great story, only at the end I only had the choice to pick the sister and not lia.
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— Hey on 10/11/2023 8:36:18 PM with a score of 0
I ignored the sister and the childhood friend for the Baron's daughter after beating everyone else at the dance, joust, duel. No regrets.
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on 7/19/2023 12:44:02 AM with a score of 0
It started out well, but fell flat soon afterwards. First of all, there was no option to pledge to Lia. Initially I thought this was due to the choices I made previously, but I played it 5 times making different choices each time, but still I only got the option to pledge to Olvida in the end. IDK if this is a bug or was intended, but this makes the story complete non-sense as the ending is always fixed no matter what choices are made.
Second, it ended too quickly. I would like to know what happened after the Selection Ceremony. Did he fulfill his pursuit? Or fail like his father? Did Darius' advice help him in any way? I have so many questions that went unanswered. It was as if the story stopped midway.
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— KKK on 7/12/2023 7:32:38 AM with a score of 0
The plot was pretty well developed, but like many of the comments already said, the commitment part was more important than who you choose, but the story ended when I picked my choice. Considering it’s length both of the ladies did not have much character development. In the future you could try and stick with your theme more and make it a bit longer to deliver your point.
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on 7/3/2023 12:22:27 AM with a score of 0
A knight story which held showed aspects of love, family and the importance of working out.
The meaningfulness of the choices was really appealing. There were not a lot of pages with choices, but when they appeared you could tell that they would change the outcome of the story. I liked being able to choose the love of my life and how much strength to use at the Selection Ceremony. For once, I felt that I was actually in control of the protagonist in a storygame. I also liked the information on knights throughout the story.
However, there were also some faults in it that I couldn’t help but notice. For example, Olvida and Lia’s personalities were almost exactly the same. Olvida had terrible and unreasonable punishments on her before, so her talking in the same playful way as Lia did not make sense. There was also an unexplained (maybe bug) twist at the end, where at first I picked Lia to be my lady, but at the end the only choice given to me was Olvida.
Overall, the game still needed a bit of polishing, with spelling errors, tense inconsistencies and missing punctuation here and there, but that did not affect the good experience I had of the immersive knight life you showed. A nice read.
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on 7/1/2023 10:24:40 AM with a score of 0
The choices you make at the beginning do impact the story later, which I really like. The story has a main line it takes no matter what, but if you choose certain things in the early pages, it makes small changes later. It impacted small things but noticeable things.
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on 11/22/2022 1:35:23 PM with a score of 0
Which path can you be Lia’s Knight
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on 10/10/2022 12:36:59 PM with a score of 0
What happened at Olvida's 10th birthday?????
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— Knight of the Square Table on 8/21/2022 5:02:20 PM with a score of 0
Writing-wise, A Knight's Pursuit is of good quality and fits the mold for the site with the MC being competent, a little careless, and--of course--interested in his sister (incestred?).
While a lot seems to hinge on the tournament games, the build up fell short. In stereotypical English class terms, the rise to an eventual climax felt more like a slight incline. The most impactful decisions revolved around two ladies (it's romance, after all), but they were not given much exposure to give me, the reader, much of an opinion which to choose.
There's nothing like a good ultimatum, pick one lady, lose the other, and A Knight's Pursuit would be better off introducing Lia and Olvida in a more lovable way, to where the selection felt like a greater weight. Rather, they come across surface-y, if not unrealistic (do women--even young women--really act like that?), while the MC doesn't give the reader much insight why he is desirable in the first place. Sure, that's the time and heroic qualities are shown protecting his sister in childhood, but that's more background narrative.
Anyway, this comment focuses more on the constructive side than the fluff. I did read the story all the way until the end, and would not have this much to say if A Knight's Pursuit didn't hold my attention throughout. The story shines well in pacing and world setting, yet falls short during pivotal moments in the plot with characters that come across less-than-believable. 5/8.
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on 4/10/2022 1:36:19 PM with a score of 0
This was decently good. I chose the incest path, naturally. I’m curious about the story if I hadchosen Lia instead, which is a good indication the storygame has some value. However, I would have liked an opportunity to change my mind at the end and fck my sister over and choose Lia, instead of randomly being given the option to pledge to the Baron’s daughter.
Positives: the relationships between the protagonist and the two women were interesting and made the world feel more lived in. Same with the brief encounter with Darius. There are few more interesting things than a broken character living with regrets. I would have like to have seen more Darius.
Negatives: Why did I spend all those years practicing to duel if the Baron just decides to cancel it? There didn’t seem to be any consequence for not visiting Olvida. The ending seemed like less time was spent on it than the other parts of the story (understandable if the author was pushing to finish on time). Lastly, I would have liked to see more interaction between Lia and Olvida. Just being told that one is sad because you chose the other seems shallow compared to their direct interactions with you. They are sitting next to each other, but there is little to gauge what if any tension exists between them.
Overall I’d say this is one of the better entries into this contest. There is some good stuff here, but there are also opportunities for more good stuff. Worth the read.
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on 4/5/2022 9:00:09 AM with a score of 0
I skim many paragraphs and hope they are not so important.
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on 4/2/2022 2:51:21 PM with a score of 0
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