Dimetrodon stands at the bloody top of the food chain of the Permian Age. It isn't easy being on top. Those beneath are clawing and snapping their way to get to your throat, or they wait in ambush to drag you down from your perch. Your prey is swift or hard to find as they grow wiser in avoiding you.
You are a dimetrodon. You must survive to adulthood and perpetuate the species. Will you be one of the strong that keeps the dimetrodon ruling the Permian Age or a weakling who shortens the dynasty?
For the degrees of game play--
EPIC FAIL--BAD---any ending where you get "ground up in the gearworks of evolution".
DINO CHOW---AVERAGE---any ending where you die.
WIN---GOOD---any ending where you live and procreate.
BIG WIN---GREAT---any ending where you end up on display at the Smithsonian.
Author's Note---This is my first adventure. In the event that I accidently published this PLEASE DO NOT PLAY or DELETE. This story is under construction--no peeking!