wildape, The Reader
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Dimetrodon stands at the bloody top of the food chain of the Permian Age. It isn't easy being on top. Those beneath are clawing and snapping their way to get to your throat, or they wait in ambush to drag you down from your perch. Your prey is swift or hard to find as they grow wiser in avoiding you.
You are a dimetrodon. You must survive to adulthood and perpetuate the species. Will you be one of the strong that keeps the dimetrodon ruling the Permian Age or a weakling who shortens the dynasty?
For the degrees of game play--
EPIC FAIL--BAD---any ending where you get "ground up in the gearworks of evolution".
DINO CHOW---AVERAGE---any ending where you die.
WIN---GOOD---any ending where you live and procreate.
BIG WIN---GREAT---any ending where you end up on display at the Smithsonian.
Author's Note---This is my first adventure. In the event that I accidently published this PLEASE DO NOT PLAY or DELETE. This story is under construction--no peeking!
Recent Posts
State of The Union on 1/27/2012 6:45:36 AMSorry--that comment was more a statement than an accusation. I'm talking about the concept of having to pay for another state's corruption that you have no control over. It is taxation without representation if you think about it. I can vote a local out of office or complain at a town meeting. I can't go to Chicago hundreds of miles away and have any political clout. Kapeesh?
The other problem I have is that the Constitution sets education as a state power. If you get money from the Fed Govt. then it circumvents states rights. Statewide testing is a good example. If you don't play ball with the government then you lose funding. When you are the governor of a state and you stand to lose a couple thousand jobs because the Feds don't like somehting you will see governers scramble so as to not appear "anti-education" by not complying with the Feds and losing money or jobs. It kills state sovereignty.
State of The Union on 1/27/2012 6:35:36 AM
If all they know how to do is bullshit people then all the better to fire them. Trust me losing your house and starving are very motivating to finding a new job. I've been in that unemployment line many times.
Who is Rick Santorum? on 1/27/2012 6:30:31 AM
LOL---you put up a great scrap. I won't accept your surrender. I'll call it a draw.
I probably shouldn't ask this, but . . . . on 1/26/2012 9:14:21 PM
This is an incredible and entertaining topic. Kudos to all who posted. Y'all rock.
State of The Union on 1/26/2012 9:11:37 PM
Jplague---you make a greater tax base from having more jobs. Less demand for taxes equate to more money for business to expand and that means more jobs. They will find jobs. You aren't advocating that we keep useless industries employed do you? What happened to the carraige and buggywhip makers long ago when the automobile came along?
Bo--I'd say that where schools get money varies from state to state and location to location. I just understand why I have to pay for your city's mismanagement of its schools. Ron Paul would not approve and I think I agree with him on this. Failure is a great teaching tool. The average school administrator makes more than a three star general. That is obscene in my opinion. They make more than the average CEO but without the results.
Who is Rick Santorum? on 1/26/2012 8:59:39 PM
I'm not schooled in debate. Your working against an average joe. I don't see how anyone can be proved wrong. Ron Paul has a strong isolationist stand on foreign policy. Perhaps I used hyperbole to say he was whacko. I just think it is dangerous to expose your supplyline is all.
You used the word occupation. That is a charged word. I see that as being an oppressor and therefore illegit. How do you define occupation pre 911? Define wrong and please explain how many Americans deserved to die due to the occupation. I'm all ears.
Who is Rick Santorum? on 1/26/2012 8:34:27 PM
I have a healthy respect for firefighters. I hope you get to be one.
State of The Union on 1/26/2012 7:08:36 AM
I think he is spot on with eliminating those 5 departments. Homeland Security is a joke. The EPA is politicized and a job killing entity. The Department of Education is redundant because the states have the same departments doing the same thing. The Department of Education alone is a scam. Why should the majority of states be forced to pay for the few states with failing education? If Texas had its money in Texas Education and not in the coffers of Illinois or California we'd all have computers and kindles in our classrooms. Cutting these bloated anchors is the most sane idea he has.
State of The Union on 1/26/2012 7:03:24 AM
Bo, this is my jaded opinion and probably stems from my distrust of the government or the onset of paranoia....I think they make voting compulsory to legitimize the election. If you participate you think that the results are real. I have doubts about some elections. I think cheating is chronic. As I watch the Republican elections I see how the media cuts out Paul from the spotlight in the media and how all the channels dismiss him outright. The only time you see him is when they want to tear down the frontrunner. He never gets his due.
Look at what the press did to Hillary Clinton in the primaries. Look at how they shredded Sarah Palin. Do we really field the best candidate or do political parties select them for us? Once the fix is in and the votes are cast people feel warm and fuzzy that they played a part even if the system is rigged.
Who is Rick Santorum? on 1/26/2012 6:53:37 AM
Not studying is the fastest way to the bottom of the food chain Playa. Don't worry about it. You keep using your freedom the way you want to! Besides, sudying and brains brings certain expectations that you don't need.