Fallen (Book 1)

A fantasy storygame by Lex354

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"Unknown / Not Set"
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"Unknown / Not Set"
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"Unknown / Not Set"
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Ok well this is my first story and I used my phone to write it so no haters please. Although I will accept constructive criticism. Anyways I decided I would be neat to experiment with the idea of a "fallen" noble and how he could try and ascend to reclaim his title. There is one true ending but its not the only one and not necessarily the best. Since this is my first story it'll serve as a test to see if my idea and the way I've started to present it are worth continuing. Anyways let's hope you enjoy my story. Author Notes: I tried my best to ensure proper spelling, but probably the biggest obstacle was with the spacing/paragraphs. Unfortunately as I can only do this on my phone when I try to create paragraphs the paragraph in the editor and the one when playing the game are drastically different, so I gave up. As for any possible spacing problems, well I can only squint so hard at the screen while writing so that would explain that. I please ask that you take that in consideration when rating my story and I truly hope that it doesn't interfere with how much you enjoy my story. THIS STORY IS NOT FINISHED, SO DONT RATE YET!

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WarriorCats on 4/28/2014 5:15:52 PM with a score of 0
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