American Outlaws: The Wild Bunch

An edutainment storygame by Will11

Commended by BerkaZerka on 2/7/2017 3:21:10 PM

Player Rating6.60/8

"#88 overall, #6 for 2017"
Based on 119 ratings since 02/07/2017
Played 2,569 times (finished 152)

Story Difficulty4/8

"March in the swamp"

Play Length6/8

"It'll be a while, better grab a Snickers®"

Maturity Level4/8

"Need to be accompanied by an adult"
Contains content that may not be suitable for persons under age 13. If this were a movie, it would probably be PG.

They were dueling Doolin-Dalton / High or low it was the same / Easy money and faithless women / Red eye whiskey for the pain.

Go down Bill Dalton, it must be God's will / Two brothers lying dead in Coffeyville / Two voices call you from where they stood / Lay down your law books now, they're no damn good.

Better keep on moving Doolin-Dalton / Till your shadow sets you free / If you're fast and if you're lucky / you will never see that hanging tree.

With a pistol in each hand, your horse's hooves drumming beneath you, the incessant bangs and whizzes of gunshots all around you, the shouts of angry men and the screams of the injured and dying ringing in your ears you roam the towns, plains and wilderness of the American Old West with your fellow outlaws: the daring Dalton boys, the King of the Oklahoma Outlaws Bill Doolin and all the other members of The Wild Bunch.

Your mission is to get rich or die trying and if you are very clever and very lucky you might just live to enjoy your ill-gotten gains; if not... a weather-beaten cross in a dusty cemetery and your rusting pistol in a 21st century museum next to an old black and white photo of a bullet-riddled body will be your fate!

Author's Note: Following the (for me) surprisingly positive feedback on The James Gang I've decided to write the next story I had planned in that series, putting The CYS Challenge and Magellan 5 on hold for now. With a new cast of larger-than-life characters, more epic gunfights and daring robberies like it's predecessor this is the sort of story too unbelievable for fiction and absolutely incredible for being true! I sincerely hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it :)

Player Comments

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TharaApples on 11/29/2017 1:17:11 PM with a score of 25500
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JohnX on 3/5/2025 11:36:09 AM with a score of 25800
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benholman44 on 7/18/2024 9:19:57 PM with a score of 25500
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— 123456 on 6/19/2020 3:33:39 PM with a score of 25500
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— Dan on 7/14/2019 5:23:53 PM with a score of 22600
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— Kuro on 3/9/2019 1:22:59 PM with a score of 25200
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KLeGrand141 on 4/24/2018 4:17:21 AM with a score of 25800
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venyanwarrior on 4/13/2018 5:10:51 PM with a score of 25200
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— Karriem on 3/29/2018 11:56:17 PM with a score of 23800
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— Karriem on 3/24/2018 12:44:48 PM with a score of 23800
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