Player Comments on life+of+a+wizard
Wow. This still really sucks.
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on 3/21/2025 8:40:36 PM with a score of 0
I don't think I need to explain
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on 3/21/2025 7:06:07 PM with a score of 0
Note to the author: this was unpublished as an admin action for not meeting minimum site standards, please leave it that way.
I'm sure you'll do better next time. It would be difficult not to.
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on 3/20/2025 5:43:44 PM with a score of 0
This is pointless and obviously just an initial outline to test the engine and general building. Feel free to unpublish this and give it more than a sentence a page. You've got a really deep hole of negative reviews to dig out from, but it's not impossible if you really put in some effort.
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on 3/19/2025 11:04:55 PM with a score of 0
Remember that writing stories is not a race. It's been over a month and I'm still writing Betarune.
This story is clearly rushed and would benefit from more detail & better choices. For example, randomize the selection for the hat sorting (See the 'How to use Random Variables' Article in the Help & Info tab), or use habits that determine whether or not you ace the final exams or not.
Overall, come back and publish when you get more effort done into this and maybe it'll be a great story.
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on 3/19/2025 10:21:55 PM with a score of 0
It is such a bad game. Also, haven't you noticed that most of the good ratings have been made by someone with harrypotter in their name? Seems like the makers of the lame so-called game are despreate for players haha. Anyways, it is just lame yes or no questions like: Ace your test or not ace your test. DO NOT PLAY THIS SO-CALLED GAME. IT 100% WASTES YOUR TIME.
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— BeaBee921 on 3/19/2025 9:38:19 PM with a score of 0
It's no Mercer Gang
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on 3/19/2025 8:54:00 PM with a score of 0
I'm really sorry, but this was genuinely bad. I really recommend reading the articles in the sidebar before making a game, because there's nothing I can really say. This game will be unpublished on account of its lack of effort and obvious plagiarism.
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on 3/19/2025 7:14:25 PM with a score of 0
...I'm going to be charitable and assume you hit the publish button by mistake.
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on 3/19/2025 6:17:14 PM with a score of 0
best game ever
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on 3/19/2025 6:16:41 PM with a score of 0
the best game ever!!!!!
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on 3/19/2025 6:13:33 PM with a score of 0
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