Player Comments on Worldview Survey
Many of the items commit the fallacy of the complex question.
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— M J on 3/9/2016 3:10:44 PM with a score of 0
White people are not more 'highly' evolved, ya ditz. Just because a population forms an adaptation overtime does not make it more or better evolved, it makes it adapted. The white man's melanin became vestigial, because, due to the clouds being in the air and blocking out the sun, the melanin was no longer needed for sun protection. And as far as "Why do you put so much faith past a concept you don't understand?" goes, I'm genuinely offended, since it seems you don't understand the theory worth shit anyway.
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on 12/7/2014 9:08:58 PM with a score of 0
Okay, dude. I literally have found an answer to each and everyone of your "Creative" questions in the bible. It wouldn't allow me to give my actual answers unfortunately but if you want to message me back I would love to help answers your questions.
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on 11/23/2014 5:30:37 PM with a score of 0
"Why is 'racism' wrong if 'white' people are more highly evolved?"
This question is so stupid that I had to go out and buy a new brain. Early black Humans moved out of hot areas and moved into cooler areas and so they didn't need dark skin. This doesn't make white people more highly evolved lol.
This quiz is terrible. Most of the questions do not let you answer them. This is clearly a christen quiz to make us all look like idiots and it fails at that miserably.
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on 6/19/2014 10:31:46 AM with a score of 0
...What? What is this? I'm not even... *facepalms* this was an extremely poor attempt at ANYTHING, let alone at ministry. I am very disappointed.
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on 4/17/2014 8:47:15 AM with a score of 0
The link to "give reasons" only progresses the survey to the next question... It's pretty frustrating considering I really wanted to answer them in-depth. However, the questions presented were quality questions that more people need to start asking.
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— Aarontj95 on 9/6/2013 12:09:24 PM with a score of 0
Wow! Just wow! Crap but atleast I got a point
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on 8/14/2013 6:35:36 PM with a score of 0
A WHITE MAN DOES NOT EVOLVE INTO A BLACK MAN LEARN WHAT EVOLUTION IS. this maker of this quiz is mentally retarded
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on 7/26/2013 1:29:27 AM with a score of 0
"Give reasons."
What the hell? I did not want to give any reasons.
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on 6/26/2013 7:38:27 PM with a score of 0
That was the most Biased survey that I have ever undertaken. Can you not see that what you are typing doesn't even make sense? I am astounded that such blatant stupidity exists, even on the internet. PS your links don't work properly.
Thank you for the entertainment provided in the contents of this survey.
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— Ben on 5/26/2013 4:27:29 AM with a score of 0
This is absolutely horrible.
First of all, when I go to click "give reasons" the link just brings me to the next question. Why the heck do you do that? Don't you want me to actually GIVE ANSWERS? Or maybe not, because you are afraid that I will be CORRECT. Over half of these questions lead to "Give reasons" links, and almost all of the questions are completely stupid.
If I tell the survey that I never went to church,and that I believe in evolution, it tells me that I am WRONG and starts arguing with me. Firstly, this is a matter of opinion, not facts. You can tell me that I am wrong about facts all day long, but opinions are ALWAYS RIGHT. Next, what kind of stupid person creates a game that ARGUES WITH ITS PLAYERS? This just makes people think that you are an idiot and not want to play again.
So now that I'm done with my rant, I have one request.
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on 4/7/2013 9:58:14 AM with a score of 0
I really want to contest some of the claims here.
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on 2/26/2013 8:12:55 PM with a score of 0
Alright. Firstly, I will say that this is a troublesome sort of quiz to make. People come here to play games, not to get doctrine. That being said, I didn't find most of this offensive. (I don't recall seeing anything about 'black' people, but I didn't 'go back' to see all options.) However, as many people pointed out here, your formatting was not good for what you were trying to do. Religious discourse, online or in person, is a very delicate and tricky matter, and something so one sided as a 'quiz' or 'survey' on a story game sight is really not the best way to go about it. That being said I would engage in discussion if this were on a topic on the forums, as long as everyone remained civil. In all honesty, however, the game itself should be taken down.
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on 2/26/2013 4:26:14 AM with a score of 0
I saw a comment about a racism page and so I had to play this again and find it for myself. And I did. Are you kidding me? A. We obviously know that early scientific theory was not always correct. NO ONE (with any sense) actually believes that black people are a lower life form. Good god. There was a B. point, but I'm just so done... I hope I get another point for this. You have angered me. I was ok, but now I'm not.
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on 2/12/2013 2:05:12 AM with a score of 0
I mean, aside from the fact that I'm completely ok with answering these kinds of questions, why is it HERE? Why on this site? And if you want me to give you am I supposed to do that? And why isn't there an "I don't know" option, because, I'm sorry, I'm not an expert on C-14 or the ancestral map. That may sounds stupid, but I'm not going to pretend to be more educated than I am. I just can't get over the fact that it's on this website. I don't know what the goal was, exactly... because I can't answer the questions. Which means you don't actually care what we think, you just want us to read your literature. Which is not a good way to make me care, regardless of the fact that I HOPE you had good intentions. But at least I get a point for it...
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on 2/12/2013 1:57:42 AM with a score of 0
Really didn't get it. I mean I know it's a survey and all but as a CYS game it just really doesn't work, since most of the questions you have to "Give reasons", but since there's not really any way of giving your reasons and no one to give the answers to, what's the point of putting those questions in? Also, how can you go to church more than once a week? I wasn't aware they had church more than once a week :p
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on 11/24/2012 5:57:21 AM with a score of 0
I played the game for the point.
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on 10/11/2012 4:13:27 PM with a score of 0
This was so pointless. Not only did I never see any real points proven, but you actually managed to sound progressively more and more like an ignorant jerk... This may be the first time someone actually made me angry over them just asking questions. -_-
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on 10/2/2012 12:54:42 PM with a score of 0
Actually i don't get it. So i didn't rate. I will play again.
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on 9/20/2012 10:03:00 PM with a score of 0
LOL! If you were going to play the ID card, why didn't you at least go down the route of irreducible complexity. At least then we can have a sort-of interesting debate instead of this bullshit. Pathetically organized 'quiz' that completely fails to make any kind of point. Logically RIDICULOUS on SO MANY LEVELS. Let me know if you want to debate this on the public forum. I'm down.
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on 9/8/2012 7:18:52 PM with a score of 0
Come on, at least mention religion ONCE in the info. As a pagan, i do NOT appreciate this.
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on 8/3/2012 12:38:52 AM with a score of 0
You'll notice that you didn't get any real survey results. You just ticked everybody off. I'm a Christian and you ticked me off. Well played.
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on 7/3/2012 10:00:05 PM with a score of 0
I guess the purpose of this thing is to attempt to convert non-believers? Well, it's failing at that because you're just pissing people off.
Can you explain, from a scientific perspective, why you're pissing people off? Here are some of the main reasons:
- Some of what you said or implied was simply incorrect. For example, you implied that black people were less highly evolved because they have existed longer than white people. That's full of shit because black people don't just magically stop evolving as soon as white people begin to exist.
- You asked me if I understand the theory of evolution. I said yes. Then you asked me how I can believe in something I don't understand.
- The last few pages are buggy as hell.
So, in summation: your so-called game is The Devil. Burn it.
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on 6/29/2012 6:47:28 PM with a score of 0
I think this is not a story game .
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on 6/29/2012 6:38:12 AM with a score of 0
Have you met the WBC? They're the kind of crowd to fit into, and being a Catholic, you give this religion (and the other denominations) a bad name.
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on 6/12/2012 9:00:18 PM with a score of 0
So I see a white racist man, who apparently did not evolve enough to even have the decency of knowing why do we do the stereotypical things found in most humans. Animals do not rape, murder, or steal for the fun of it. Yes, we are more messed up, but realizing these facts were baby steps. You're privileged as a human to even convey these thoughts in your head, and you screw it up like this?
I "applaud" you, and thank god you're not a troll. Hopefully, you can absorb this into your head, although it is unlikely. You're too self-absorbed, and should be interested in this substance called Lysergic acid diethylamide, have a nice life.
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on 6/12/2012 8:57:06 PM with a score of 0
I dont appreciate ignorance. You call this a worldview survey when in fact there is neither about World Views or taking a survey. This is about you forcing your views onto other people. I can ask you many impossible questions too, and your response would only be one that doesn't answer anything, because god made it that way.
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— Ryan on 6/12/2012 2:18:15 PM with a score of 0
This 'game' is kinda confusing and just plain ignorant. The questions you are asking do have very plausible answers, one quick search on google or any other search engine or source of information can tell you that.
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on 6/11/2012 6:06:46 PM with a score of 0
The storygame editor doesn't allow for readers to type in answers to your questions, let alone allow you to obtain these answers. Also, I was able to answer most, if not all of those questions, thus this survey is not a very effective argument for creationism.
I don't mind having religious storygames on the site (people are entitled to their own beliefs) but this is not a storygame nor a working quiz, so it's a 1 out of 8 from me.
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on 6/10/2012 8:37:01 AM with a score of 0
It's confusing-ish and also I'm Jewish so I don't read the Bible. Also animals don't rape each other a s far as I know.
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on 6/9/2012 12:21:12 PM with a score of 0
ignorance,pure ignorance
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on 6/9/2012 11:54:56 AM with a score of 0
This is obviously done by people who are religious. Many of the questions DO have answers, try looking for them online
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on 6/9/2012 3:21:11 AM with a score of 0
Not all people are christian.If you do a sequel or a similar type of story/game cant you include other religions.
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on 6/9/2012 3:19:23 AM with a score of 0
Why do people think that the bible states that the earth begins on 4000bc? Also God could have guided evolution to modern man from "Eden=Pre-historicEarth".
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on 6/8/2012 11:47:48 AM with a score of 0
I'm Jewish first of all.
Second it didn't make sense.
Finally it was randomish
Also it took me 2 minutes.
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on 6/7/2012 8:11:32 PM with a score of 0
1)Asking someone to answer every question in the comments.
2)Stating things as fact without proof
This kind of quiz can't really work. For one, I can't answer all of what you want in the comments(I would have to post many comments and that's tedious for just a game.) I would suggest talking to people in real life, away from a computer screen, and asking these questions. Or, talk about it in the forums because no once to do what you are asking them.
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on 6/7/2012 3:58:40 PM with a score of 0
As Bo pointed out, this isn't really the best media for this discussion. There have been numerous forum threads on these topics if you're interested in scoping out the varied beliefs of the regulars here.
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on 6/7/2012 3:48:55 PM with a score of 0
Though provoking, but with the potency of a bumper sticker...
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on 6/7/2012 3:28:39 PM with a score of 0
A few problems:
1.) This is less about one's worldview, and more about one's religious/creation beliefs.
2.) For a quiz as in-depth as one about religous and creationist reasoning, a few simple choices without actual discussion is not an accurate way to convey these points
3.) Whenever it said "give answers", I'm assuming you meant the comment section, however this function might be better used under a different format, as we're not giving actual answers for those.
That being said, I didn't detect any grammatical and spelling errors, and it's an interesting concept for a game, one that I haven't seen in quizes before. 4/8
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on 6/7/2012 2:42:35 PM with a score of 0
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