Madbrad200, The Dramatist
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Disabling CSS/HTML on Profiles was a great idea! grumbles
Welcome to The Great, Amazing, All Knowing, Omnipresent, Awesome, Cool And Evolved Carnivines page! Below is how many times my profile page has been clicked on (Can't remember when it started though!). I suffer from intense akrasia.

Best Admin - JJJ-thebanisher
Best Avatar - Jihelu
Best At Puns - MinnieKing
Best Flirter - LelouchTheZero
Best Mathematician - TacocaT
Best Moderator - Sethaniel
Best Problem Solver - nmelssx
Best Profile Page - BradinDvorak
Best Role Player - Delta44
Best Scripter- BerkaZerka
Best Use of Emoticons - Briar_Rose
Best Username - Jihelu
Biggest Pikachu Fan - 24freddy
Funniest Moderator - BerkaZerka
Funniest User - ISentinelPenguinI
Funniest Reviewer - Briar_Rose
Kindest User - Ford
Most Androgynous Person - Raven47
Most Helpful User - Claw2k11
Most Liberal Member - Madbrad200
Most Left-Wing Member - Madbrad200
Most Unique Persona - ISentinelPenguinI
Most Unique Profile Page - BradinDvorak
Longest Title - Madbrad200
Best Hall Of Fame Suggestion - Spam thread - "What do I think about Kenyan blowjobs? ... I can honestly say I have no opinion on the matter." ~ Briar_Rose"
Best Hall Of Fame Suggestion Giver - Malkalack
Best Dark Story -Dispiteous
Best Everything Else Story - The Price of Freedom: Innocence Lost
Best Fan Fic - wARRIOR CAts! Waareiors who r cats: Another catwarrior joins the CLan--A Warrior Cat fanfic
Best Fantasy Story - Eternal
Best Horror Story - Love SICK
Best Modern Adventure - Cryptode
Best Mystery Story - The Adventures of Phoebe McGee: Episode 1
Best Profile Badge - "How Much do You Know About xkcd?" Perfect win badge.
Best Sci-Fi Story - ULYSSES: The Pegasi Incident
Best Series- Necromancer and Death Song
Best Story - Eternal
Best Love & Dating Story - Snow
Best Personality Quiz - Magic: What guild are you?
Best Quiz - Magic: What guild are you?
Best Trivia - Disney Trivia Quiz
Best Universe - The Eternal Universe
Best Warrior Cat's Game - wARRIOR CAts! Waareiors who r cats: Another catwarrior joins the CLan--A Warrior Cat fanfic
Funniest Story - A Very Special Choose Your Story
Most Satire Story - wARRIOR CAts! Waareiors who r cats: Another catwarrior joins the CLan--A Warrior Cat fanfic
Best Review - Actually this was a pretty average day at my school…
Nice descriptions, actually the only major problems I had with it is you had a ton of one slot "continue" choices. Would've been better had you branched the choices out in how you wanted to torture and kill people. Or even if it was just one person you could've stretched it out with more choices rather than giving ALL the description on one page.
Like after you chopped off all the teacher's fingers with a dull rusty knife you had the choice to either scoop out her eyeballs with a fondue fork and skull fuck her to death or get a hot curling iron and penetrate her with it.
It's choices like this that can make all the difference.
There were also a lot of long stretches of blank spaces between text for some reason.
But I'm sure your next story will be better being a demon king tyrant and all.
-- EndMaster on 4/1/2013 11:40:21 PM
Funniest Review - Okay everyone, I want you all to leave really nice comments because this is Silvermoon's very first game EVER. Her first game was definitely not a game called "Warrior Cats, an Epic Adventure" which got unpublished for it's extremely poor quality.
Also Silvermoon, if people do give you negative feedback, don't worry. At least Silvermoon liked it... Oh wait >.>
-- Briar_Rose on 6/15/2014 5:06:24 AM
Most Intellectual Review - Well actually madglee.... Eagles do capture prey by movement EXCEPT this eagle was directly overhead of you therefore you can assume it already saw you (Or it wouldn't have dove in because like you said they capture by movement) then when you stayed ABSOLUTELY still, it had already seen you and its perfect eye sgight (like 500/500 lol) easily picked you out.
Madglee for lunk, LMAOROFL.
-- JJJ-thebanisher on 8/9/2006 11:01:47 AM
Most Philosophical Review - It's sublime. True art is not when there's nothing more to add, but when there's nothing more to take away.
-- Trollheimingr on 11/18/2012 1:38:06 PM
Best Forum Comment - Besides, I couldn't screw a tortoise if I wanted to, the average Penguinite Penis is far too big to fit into ANY orifice a baby tortoise might have, even if you killed it and masturbated with its hollow shell. You humans and your low genital standards...." ~ ISentinelPenguinI
Best Forum Game - Commander
Best Meme Comment - Top 10 Annoyers in the Forums - "Honestly I don't know what any of you are arguing about. It's not like I find any of you annoying and really that's the important thing.
And I think Aeon should've kept his gun pic as his avatar. We need to keep it gangsta up in this mothafucka
"" ~ EndMaster
Funniest Forum Comment - How to deal with a bratty child - "... So I can say "Your mom's such a slut, she's like a bowling ball. She gets fingered three times, gets thrown down the ally, and then comes back for more." And you're cool with that, but God forbid I sigh at something when talking to you, huh? :P" ~ Kiel_Farren
Funniest Forum Debate - My beautiful 42, gone! The Spork VS Strawberry Pudding.
Funniest Forum Game - What's in DEP's butt?
Most Unique Forum Game - What's in DEP's butt?
Most Well Thought Out Forum Game - Commander
Quotes worth remembering!
"It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets." - Voltaire
"An eye for an eye, will make the whole world blind." - (probably) Mahatma Gandhi
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width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
I failed at skipping this part on 8/12/2017 10:20:46 PM
Interesting comments 2 on 4/28/2017 6:09:32 PM
Nice descriptions, actually the only major problems I had with it is you had a ton of one slot "continue" choices. Would've been better had you branched the choices out in how you wanted to torture and kill people. Or even if it was just one person you could've stretched it out with more choices rather than giving ALL the description on one page.
Like after you chopped off all the teachers fingers with a dull rusty knife you had the choice to either scoop out her eyeballs with a fondue fork and skull fuck her to death or get a hot curling iron and penetrate her with it.
It's choices like this that can make all the difference.
There were also a lot of long stretches of blank spaces between text for some reason.
But I'm sure your next story will be better being a demon king tyrant and all.
-- EndMaster on 4/1/2013 11:40:21 PM
I remember finding this amusing:
Okay everyone, I want you all to leave really nice comments because this is Silvermoon's very first game EVER. Her first game was definitely not a game called "Warrior Cats, an Epic Adventure" which got unpublished for it's extremely poor quality. Also Silvermoon, if people do give you negative feedback, don't worry. At least Silvermoon liked it... Oh wait >.>
-- Briar_Rose on 6/15/2014 5:06:24 AM
Why People Who Use Forks Are Satan Worshippers on 2/11/2017 10:08:54 PM
Being Inactive on 1/22/2017 6:37:28 AM
A Moment of Silence for All The Lost Scripts on 1/10/2017 12:54:53 PM
Best Strategy Games for PC on 12/1/2016 1:30:55 AM
I did like the Romance of the Three Kingdoms games (also Kessen from the ps2 era). Not sure if they count, but they're good.