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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

Being Inactive

8 years ago

I realize that I've been inactive for a really long time, and I should be on this website way more often than I actually am. This new site update is boggling my mind, and I'd like to spend a lot more time here. Making my way through everything has been a little tough, and I hope they everyone is doing well. 

Becoming a mature user on this website has taken a lot of work, which most of you will think is a joke. Yes, I may be a young member of CYS, but I'd like to improve in any way possible. I'm trying very hard to get on here as often as I can at the moment. 

Speaking of this website, how many of y'all have any things you like to do? Like playing through the storygames, frolicking in the forums, writing your own stories, adding to the Help & Info articles, etc.? I'd like to get to know y'all's interests better, if I can.


Being Inactive

8 years ago

you should start by virtue signaling loudly 

that 'ell win them over

Being Inactive

8 years ago

I wish you luck in your efforts to be a more active, productive, influential, and mature member on the site!

I used to like to read storygames, but I'm more interested in writing my own at the moment.

Being Inactive

8 years ago

Oh hey, Aty.

I like playing games and comedy. But I think you already know that... >.>

Being Inactive

8 years ago

I'd say having to put effort into coming on here, onto a hobby site, seems like something you shouldn't really be doing. Come on whenever you'd like to and are able, but that's it. Anyhow, seeing as your status in my head has placed you above the shitty users and slightly above the twats like Tim and Zag, you're doing fine.

Oh yes, and thankduly, I do have things I like to do to spare me from what would otherwise be a very depressing life. I like writing on here.

Being Inactive

8 years ago

I am not a mature member of this site. Heck, I'm not even mature in real life. However, I enjoy writing really slowly and procrastinating on contests. Mostly, I just read games, post in forums that don't pertain to me, and beg for commendations. 

Being Inactive

8 years ago

I just come here for whenever the politics detonate the forums.

You're not obligated to be here.

Being Inactive

8 years ago

I like replaying storygames and helping wherever I can :) Also lurking. I practically have a degree in lurking.

Being Inactive

8 years ago

I like memes and crying in the bathroom when my parents aren't home.

Anyhow, welcome back I guess.

Being Inactive

8 years ago

Being Inactive

8 years ago

Probably a relevant thread for you to be commenting on.

Being Inactive

8 years ago

Oh hey it's you.


Being Inactive

8 years ago
I like spreading misinformation to noobs and looking at my incomplete games to let myself know that I'm a failure. Then I look at the forums and proceed to make memes and roast people on the discord server xD

Being Inactive

8 years ago

>_> I feel a bit late for this. xD I like roaming the Writing Workshop and Creative Corner. Currently, however, I've been scribbling away in my plans for completing three of my high-priority storygames as well as trying to write down everything my brain is spilling for a story in writing. Oh, and managing school and extracurricular activities explain my recent inactivity. :c
