I realize that I've been inactive for a really long time, and I should be on this website way more often than I actually am. This new site update is boggling my mind, and I'd like to spend a lot more time here. Making my way through everything has been a little tough, and I hope they everyone is doing well.
Becoming a mature user on this website has taken a lot of work, which most of you will think is a joke. Yes, I may be a young member of CYS, but I'd like to improve in any way possible. I'm trying very hard to get on here as often as I can at the moment.
Speaking of this website, how many of y'all have any things you like to do? Like playing through the storygames, frolicking in the forums, writing your own stories, adding to the Help & Info articles, etc.? I'd like to get to know y'all's interests better, if I can.