storyreader1092's Experience Points

storyreader1092 has a total of 0 Experience Points. Following is recent point activity.
11/8/2023-14Admin. Penalty - Automated tax adjustment for birthday welfare. Send feedback to _IRS
2/4/202315Admin. Bonus - Happy Birthday!!!
7/11/20221Rate Game Ineptitude 2: ELECTRIC BOOGALOO
7/9/20221Rate Game The Living Always Answer
7/7/20221Rate Game Finals Week!
3/6/20221Rate Game are you happy with your choices?
3/6/20223Create Game FRIENDS OF THE SAND
3/5/20221Rate Game A UFO at School
3/5/20221Rate Game Chuck Norris Quiz
2/27/2022400Admin. Bonus - Tuition from Apples Scholarship
2/27/2022-500Admin. Penalty - Being a fucktard
2/21/20221Rate Game Engineered Desires
2/21/20223Create Game Janq's Fine Dining
2/20/202215Create Account