Poeticmindframe45, The Reader

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10/20/2016 10:42 PM

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About me? Im a young African American guy, Im Creative, Confident and always down to talk :D Anyway feel free to message me, There is no such thing as too trivial a topic. :D


Amid Ruins

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Do you think Gender dysphoria is a mental illness? on 10/20/2016 10:33:51 PM

Apparently it is. Anyone who claims to suffer from gender dysphoria is basically saying "Hey my genitals don't match my gender! Let's fix that!" So yeah apparently I'm missing something, which is why I asked the question :D

Do you think Gender dysphoria is a mental illness? on 10/18/2016 7:50:44 PM

I really couldn't care less about punctuation and traditional sentence structure :D Im way more interested in what someone has to say and what they need me to understand, so if my writing turns you or anybody else off then too bad, idc :D

Do you think Gender dysphoria is a mental illness? on 10/17/2016 10:06:51 PM

So 14 year olds can't contribute to the conversation or give a fresh take on things? What about 14 year olds struggling with gender dysphoria or 14 year olds with family that has struggled with gender dysphoria. I think that was an extremely close minded thing to say. Hell what if im 14? :D

Do you think Gender dysphoria is a mental illness? on 10/17/2016 10:03:27 PM

I agree with a lot of what you said, My question is if i want to fuck a guy or wear a dress what the hell does that have to do with my sex? I'm still a man. If i want to play with dolls or wear makeup then im a man who wears makeup and plays with dolls :D But transgender people take it to a whole new level by saying "I should have been a woman" That just fucks up what sex is. How in the world would you even know what being a woman feels like? You can only want for what you "See" because you could never understand what a woman "feels" because you would have to have been a woman to experience that. If it even feels any different! (Aside from gender roles and all that of course)

Do you think Gender dysphoria is a mental illness? on 10/17/2016 9:57:41 PM

I didnt post those quotes to support any argument thats exactly what came out of his mouth, I dont really have a position on it, and y do you think it falls under a mental disorder? And should you be able to have a major surgery, that isnt necessary to survive of course, If you have a mental disorder? I mean dementia is a mental disorder and you wouldnt let someone with dementia drive a car let alone go get a sex change. (Im not equating gender dysphoria with dementia just an example)

Do you think Gender dysphoria is a mental illness? on 10/17/2016 2:42:54 PM

Lmao hopefully that isnt the case XD I really was looking for unique opinions and perspectives :D

Do you think Gender dysphoria is a mental illness? on 10/17/2016 2:41:58 PM

Oh savage XD

Do you think Gender dysphoria is a mental illness? on 10/17/2016 2:33:55 PM

Im sorry to whoever I offend next but.....claiming to be trans racial is to me ridiculous. How can you say that we are all the same on the inside and then in the same breath claim you have always felt like you are black or white or asian or whatever. That's taking superficiality to the next level.

Do you think Gender dysphoria is a mental illness? on 10/17/2016 1:29:41 PM

Ok so lets consider this. Let's say we erased all knowledge of the female population and Left males in a society that consisted of only males. Would there still be people saying who I am as a man is not right, is not comfortable to me? And if so, wouldn't those people saying that be considered a little off, since that would be the only state of being known?

Do you think Gender dysphoria is a mental illness? on 10/17/2016 12:16:35 PM

Im not basing any logic on anyone at all. Thats why i took to the internet to get more informed opinions and perspectives. I was just laying out the reason why the question is being posed. N.A.M.I. the national alliance on mental illness defined a mental illness as such. That is why I put that there, I like the oxford definition better because you brought up a good point hunger would technically fall under that definition but that could be said of both right? People have gotten hungry enough to turn to cannibalism which I would personally define as a serious disorder in a person's behavior or thinking.