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Variable Display

8 years ago

How do you make a variable subtract or add in multiple ways? Without having to have duplicate pages just to change the numbers?
For example: You eat a burger then your hunger, which was at 90, turned up to 100. How to do change the number?
Please notify as soon as possible. New to this page so... <3 Ty

------------------------------------------------------From Sergeant_Sprinklez------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



Variable Display

8 years ago

First, hi. Welcome to the site. Or, 'page'. I'm sure you'll fit here, Sprinks.


Second up, it's quite easy to do, in a few ways. Can change, add or reset a variable to a number from a link (down the bottom, on advanced editor. You use advanced editor, right?). Second, you could change it in text if you'd like. Something like %%Health% %=% %%HEALTH%% + 10. You could use it in the inveotry, as an item that you click, it dissappears and gives 10 health and no page changed.


World's your oyster. Also look at the articles , and the other questions in this forum.


All the best


--------- Captain Sparkling Snowflake -------

Variable Display

8 years ago

Thank you so much! This helped me a lot. I needed this information because I'm collabing and making a story with TextMatchFight. Thank you again and Peace!
