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Preview from set page

7 years ago

For longer storygames, is there a way to preview the storygame from halfway through? As in, not from the very beginning.

If you were making a minor amendment to a page near the end of a storygame, and you wanted to preview it, then technically you'd end up having to click through the entire storygame just to see this last page. Is there a way around this?

I did try changing the "chapter start" page to see if previewing it would switch to this new page, but it seems to revert back to your first page again (perhaps this is just something in the first chapter).

Preview from set page

7 years ago
Add a link to that page from the first page. Remove it later before you publish it again.

Preview from set page

7 years ago

Oh, that would be a simple way of doing it. Thanks!

Preview from set page

7 years ago
Thanks for that, it's one of those things that seems so simple in hindsight but is frustrating as heck until you realize it.