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Anyone up for a Storygame collab?

7 years ago

I have some ideas, it you're interested, ask.

Anyone up for a Storygame collab?

7 years ago

A little more detail would be nice. I mean, it's kinda expected that you share plots and settings and whatnot before you ask people to come and help with ideas and help you write a storygame.

Anyone up for a Storygame collab?

7 years ago
Yeah uh, the OP is a pretty excellent example of how NOT to ever get anyone interested in your storygame.

You don't exactly have a monopoly on ideas, most people here are working on their own things and would need a lot more than that to be convinced to write someone else's story for them. (And there's nothing in your profile to indicate that wouldn't be the case...)

Anyone up for a Storygame collab?

7 years ago

Gonna echo what everyone said.

Don't know what you're writing about, so I don't know if the ideas would be interesting to me. Don't even know if you have an idea. xD

Anyone up for a Storygame collab?

7 years ago

T-T Maybe later. Tell me ideas now so everyone else can see too.

Anyone up for a Storygame collab?

7 years ago

I have several.

A child gets caught up in a war zone, and it would be his/her story of survival and escape

A teen and her twin brother are taken hostage, and their fight to stay together.

A private detective and his/her struggle with a case.


Most of them involve fighting, but that's just the way my mind works.

Anyone up for a Storygame collab?

7 years ago

More details, please. Those are simple prompts. :(

Anyone up for a Storygame collab?

7 years ago

For the war zone: A child, eight or nine years old, finds an army dog and his handler. The soldier, the German Shepherd, and the child fight to keep their lives, and the child, their sanity, as they had never seen the horrors of war. They eventually find the soldier's unit, and several days later, they are extracted.

Hostage: Two fifteen year olds are kidnapped and held for ransom. They turn the tables on their captors, and escape. I don't have as much of a plan for this one.

Detective: A young private detective is struggling with one of their toughest cases, where a Marine has gone missing while on leave. They eventually connect the dots and find the Marine.