
Forums » Feature Wishing Well » Read Thread

Suggestions for improvements and additions to the site.
This feature was rejected 12/11/2016: Doable with scripting already

Pretty colours!

8 years ago

What if we could change the colours of the links in our games?
Think about it! Does this option lead to a fight? Make it red! Will this trigger a romance? Pink's cute! Will this increase a specific stat? I hear green is in season! Pick up/drop an item? Orange, baby!

PS. If this is already a thing, and I just don't know it... uh... try not to get too mad.

Pretty colours!

8 years ago
Well, you can use <font color='hex or color name'> in front of text to change it's color. be sure to add the end tag </font> when scripting.

Example: Red font Green font

Google Website Link

Pretty colours!

8 years ago

I'm... stupid. I've always been story, not coding.

Pretty colours!

8 years ago

It's possible. Say you want have a link with the text "LINKTEXT", and you want to make it green. You'd type this as the link's name: <span style="color:green;">LINKTEXT</span>. You can replace the "green" with other colors (it accepts X11 color names, rgb(0,0,0) values and #hex values) and obviously you'd want to change "LINKTEXT".

Pretty colours!

8 years ago
For people who aren't used to coding, or using html/css, I find that the font tag is easier to use and understand :)

Pretty colours!

8 years ago

To each his own ;þ