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Doctor Who

10 years ago

any whovian's out there I just started watching and started on the seventh season... I was just wondering any other people who watch it or have an opinion.

Doctor Who

10 years ago

I used to watch it until the recent season. For some reason I dropped it and don't really feel the urge to continue following it. The older series and the newer seasons before the latest one were quite good though. Also Aligment Chart...

Doctor Who

10 years ago

Dunno, don't really see any of the Doctors as chaotic evil or even neutral evil. Even in his darker incarnations he might've been lawful evil at best.

The Master, the Daleks or the Angel Statues would probably fit better under neutral and chaotic evil.

Doctor Who

10 years ago

Let me just get out of the way that Being lawful does not make you lss evil than a chaotic person. Most alignment charts have it all wrong. If you're going to be good, then it doesn't matter how good you are, neutral, lawful, and chaotic are simply how you walk that path. These are the -original, but not unabridged- Dungeons and Dragons definitions of these "Alignments"

Lawful simply means you follow a distinct set of values and principles, you would be inhibited towards killing people unless it served a greater purpose, or provided more convenience towards your perception of the greater good. Most D&D orcs are Lawful, though it may not seem like it because they are evil. The Lawful person will ALWAYS sacrafice themselves to their "Greater Good" like the Unbribable omniscient Oblivion guards who throw themselves onto your sword in the name of the law. If a hoard of Minotaurs attacked the group, they would fight them regardless of the odds.

Neutral simply means self preservation, and the preservation of things and people that you care about, are the driving force in your life, and you will do whatever possible to fight for them. They weigh the pros and cons of each situation before making fight or flight decisions, will lie only if it serves some purpose, and so on. Most animals really are neutral.

Chaotic may seem random or evil, but underneaath it, they may be just as righteous as any Lawful person. They lie, cheat, steal, and backstab to their benefit, but usually will do the right thing according to their alignment. They are pretty much the Antiheroes who have no problem killing the bad guy. Rorschach, Deadpool, Batman, (especially that psycho "I'm the goddamn batman" one,) Most of the darker superheroes, almost everyone's Elder Scrolls character, regardless of the game, and BerkaZerka, are notable examples of Chaotic Good.

Doctor Who

10 years ago

So make an alignment chart for CYS.

Doctor Who

10 years ago

The problem with that is, everyone here is chaotic evil.... Except for a few degenerate, useless chaotic good guys...

Doctor Who

10 years ago

Eh, the only one who might classify as chaotic evil or neutral evil around here would be MarmotLord since he's the only dedicated troll who hasn't gotten banned and is actually entertaining at times.

Everyone else mostly falls into the various neutral or good categories.

 A lot probably qualify for chaotic neutral though.

Doctor Who

10 years ago

Oooh, what am I?

Doctor Who

10 years ago

Probably neutral good since you actually spurred into action when you were concerned about the lives of two real people.

Doctor Who

10 years ago


I was hoping for lawful evil.

I need to work harder at this thing...

Doctor Who

10 years ago

Now that I think about it, you seem more of a chaotic neutral at your worst.

But thinking about it a lot, BerkaZerka is the Chaotic Evil one...


Doctor Who

10 years ago

Chaotic evil and neutral evil people on here are rare since it would sort of have to involve being a deliberate asshole on a regular basis for the sole purpose of being malicious.

Since we don't really have anyone like that on here, the standard for "evil" has to be lowered a bit hence why someone like MarmotLord would probably be the closest to chaotic or neutral evil. (Those two being the "worst" alignments, debatable which of the two is worse)

Anyone actually worse than him would've been banned. Even that Arrow guy doesn't really qualify, since other than his horrible stories he didn't really antagonize anyone on the forums. (He was "Chaotic Stupid" more than anything else)

Nevermind probably would've qualified as neutral evil or chaotic evil at one time with all her spamming, but she's reined it in a bit since those days so she's probably just lawful evil now.

Doctor Who

10 years ago

I always saw Berka and Aman as "good guys" that have vast ideological differences about how to go about being a "good guy" so in comic book fashion they beat the hell out of each other like Captain America and Iron Man did.

Doctor Who

10 years ago

But Nevermind doesn't follow intensely any of her inhibitions or principles.... And she's one of your biggest fans!

Yeah, I used Good and evil as relative terms. I agree, Aman is definitely Lawful good or neutral, being that he follows the values of his mustache.  I'd be Chaotic Neutral, probably, my moral compass will never recover from being so desperately close to being the annoying fucktard, pissing off Drakilian my first day on the forums, and comparing the quest of the legendary Killa's Toaster to Frumplequest.... Jmg at his worst, would have been Lawful Stupid, as his personal laws and inhibitions REALLY showed in the odd definition of etiquette and lack of understanding, and his method of argumentation...

Doctor Who

10 years ago

Wait what? BZ is lawful evil, following the evil that is the penguins. 

Doctor Who

10 years ago

BZ is chaotic, regardless of his being good or evil, because he does not follow a distinct set of values, and/or morals and therefore leaves chaos in his wake, his followers are Lawful, because they follow the distinct set of values and/or morals that he set in place for them. (Because penguins, in and of themselves, do not have any definitive evil or law to follow. In fact, unintelligent penguins that cannot use keyboards are usually true neutral.)

You believe strictly in the amazing power of your mustache and let it guide you, which would make you lawful without distinct and official laws.

What a nice way to derail a thread.

Doctor Who

10 years ago

Thanks for the derailment. What am I?

Doctor Who

10 years ago

I'd say with your cool-headedness in pretty much all the situations with or against you, you'd probably be n the neutral good-true neutral area.

Doctor Who

10 years ago

Yeah I will argue a point but eventually admit defeat if I'm wrong.

Doctor Who

10 years ago

I'm Chaotic neutral, is that as bad as good or am I in the clear?, also, doctor who = yey.

and why does everyone (not in reference to the current thread) hate on Matt Smith, he made a pretty good Doctor..well I thought so anyway, I would've had him.

Doctor Who

10 years ago

Actually, any neutral is being ble to commit acts of great good and heinous evil to preserve and achieve your goals, chaotic and lawful and neutral are just how you choose to follow them. I'd say you're okay.

Doctor Who

10 years ago

First seasons were better, don't like the path they took with David Tenent, and I'm saddened that Matt Smith ended up being bland (at first he was insane, which was wonderful) 

Doctor Who

10 years ago

So I'm getting a general the series is dropping vibe.

Doctor Who

10 years ago

Eh, they try to be too politically correct. But I'm hoping the new doctor will get the arrogant doctor bit down. 

Doctor Who

10 years ago

So you want him more casual or more arrogant? Random thought. my parents have been gone for two days and all I have done is sleep, eat, go on here and play games... Man am I nerdy

Doctor Who

10 years ago

More arrogant, and preferably more crazy, Tom Baker had it down. 

Doctor Who

10 years ago

That. Would. Be. AWESOME! David Tennant had it down in the beginning (or so I've heard) But he was pretty good crazy guy in Harry Potter.

Doctor Who

10 years ago

Who doesn't like the British Doc Brown fighting rejected R2 units?


Doctor Who

10 years ago

So that's what those are? I thought they were robot condoms...

Doctor Who

10 years ago

Actually if you don't mind it just the doctor.

Doctor Who

10 years ago

Doctor Who

10 years ago

Much better alignment chart. lol Also the above one I posted was the only one I could find.

Doctor Who

10 years ago

in all honesty, Doctor Who just reminds me of that awkward moment where you get shot by you wife who then goes on to try to kill your wife while your best friend is off to the side pregnant with your wife. Oh wait, that was actually an episode!

Doctor Who

10 years ago

Wait.... David tenant is the happy one? You've never watched the series, have you? :P

Doctor Who

10 years ago

Well here's the weirdest incident that ever happened during a Dr. Who episode.

Talk about being chaotic neutral.

Doctor Who

10 years ago

*Sigh* Lelouch was a desperate attention whore, even BEFORE he joined CYS.

Doctor Who

10 years ago

wow someone was proud and what. in. the. hell was all that? Did he do it just to prove he could?

Doctor Who

10 years ago

We didn't have the internet to troll on back in the 80s so we had to put a mask on and hack a broadcast signal instead.

Doctor Who

10 years ago

Well, technically you did, but all the trolling fun was hogged by the ARPANET workers and the KGB, forming several conspiracies that ended with the U.S. proving that the moon existed and making the world see how incompetent Russia was...

Doctor Who

10 years ago

... I would consider myself a 90's kid despite only enjoying two years drooling on it. You know I still play with Legos and if every Lego in the world was brought together it could build a pyramid of Giza in actual size. 

On this topic. Russia got the first satellite out in space they couldn't have been completely incompetent.

Doctor Who

10 years ago

They were incompetent enough to fall for America making a video of them making it onto the fake moon in Hollywood...

They were very competent, just not competent enough to get the bajillions of moneys that America threw into NASA in order to go to space. When the man went to the moon, Russia was all like "Okay bro, I guess we're not gonna nuke your ass if you ain't gonna nuke our ass." and so they didn't nuke each other's asses.

Doctor Who

10 years ago

Yeah but Russia didn't have the economic power that we HAD back then they made do with what they did have.