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New member

4 years ago

So well after lurking and playing some games in here (which were really good) i decided to create an account and join . so anyway wanted to try my luck on story games after i found this place through CoG (oversensitive sjw shithole) and after looking at some threads this place looks lit so cheers mates. 

New member

4 years ago

Welcome to the site. I'd recommend Paradise violated for a short linear game, Eternal for a longer multi path story. Most all of Endmasters stuff is pretty good but is super dark too.

A Stack of Cats is a fun one if you enjoy puzzle games. Now you gotta deal with this S*** is a fun horror game.


New member

4 years ago

Played all of what you suggested already and it was an awesome experience . well except for the puzzle and the horror one . EndMaster is really good. 

New member

4 years ago

New member

4 years ago

Kinda odd lol . but i have a fascination with beekeeping so meh

New member

4 years ago

You’re welcome nigga.

Read Ducky Park.

New member

4 years ago

Oh wow lol , you're the first member to call me the n word lol . maybe i shouldnt tell people i am from africa lmao

New member

4 years ago
Nah, you'll always be a nigger, my nigga.

New member

4 years ago

But i am not african by ethnicity i just live there . there are lot of ethnicities there too lol . 

New member

4 years ago
It's about what's on the inside.

New member

4 years ago
The entire story is a complex and layered injoke you can never hope to understand.

New member

4 years ago

Found it through CoG, eh?  How so?

New member

4 years ago

Well i lurked there and played some of their games . some had potential  and were fun .some average and others well lets just say they lacked imagination or the appeal that i found here . so i pretty much googled ''story games sites'' and this one bumped in one of their forums discussions and here i am . cheers. 

New member

4 years ago

Welcome to CYS! As DerPrussen said, EndMaster's stories are a great place to begin - my personal favorite being Death Song, which can be found on the featured list. I would also like to recommend Crescentstar's stories, which are also very well written.

If you would like to get engaged with the writing community here, we occasionally do all sorts of fun contests and such, and we are always looking forward to new short stories over at Creative Corner! Once you get a feel for how things work, you can even try your hand at writing a CYOA.

I look forward to seeing you on CYS!

Oh yeah, you should speak to Gower (the dude above me), he can help you more than anybody else here.

New member

4 years ago
Right, definitely don't ask any CYS admins for help, we've handed all noob wrangling duties over to the gullible COG nerd and tricked him into doing our job for us.

New member

4 years ago

I mean, to be fair, it's a 50/50 between the newbs that you guys like and support and noobs that slowly kill themselves as you guys watch.

It is quite obvious what group a new person would be in right off the bat, and this guy looks like the former, so in this case, you guys are indeed his greatest allies.

New member

4 years ago

Well i read endmaster's material and i was captivated by it . i imagine the other admins got some good stuff too , i am new to this and hopefully will have the time to get a hang of the ropes . 

New member

4 years ago
Welcome to the site! Explain the username please, I assume it means you're just another edgelord but I'm always holding out hope we get a token Actual Black Person someday....

New member

4 years ago

Lmao . its a bit of both . not black but someone who lives in africa . and to be honest if i wanted to announce being black (which i am not) i would go along with ''The ebonic author'' or something along those lines for a name . cheets.

New member

4 years ago
Cool I guess being in Africa makes you an honorary black person, like the way Endmaster is for growing up in Detroit. (Functionally that means you can say nigga here but the hard r privileges will remain forever beyond your reach.)

New member

4 years ago

I was gonna say that i wouldnt be able to have the n word pass but i wasnt sure how you guys were gonna react to it lol

New member

4 years ago
Welcome to the site!

New member

4 years ago


New member

4 years ago

good luck