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12 years ago

Does anyone larp? It means Live Action Role Playing. Basically what you do is get swords and shields and whatever weapons you like and duel. I know it sounds nerdy (I thought the same thing) and the truth is... it is really nerdy. It's probably the funnest thing I've done in a while though.

If you've seen the movie "Role Models" it's what they do in that park where everyone is dressed like knights.


12 years ago

Believe it or not Role Models is exactly what came to my head straight away once you described larping. Very funny movie.

As for actually doing it, no, I haven't larped before.


12 years ago

You should try it, I've only done it a couple of times and it's fun and a pretty good workout too.


12 years ago
If you count beating your friends up with sticks or have imaginary battles between characters we create with powers, then yes I have.


12 years ago

I believe you're supposed to use an overpriced plastic sword.


12 years ago

I have never officially larped before but me, my brother, and a few freinds used to beat the hell out of each other with sticks in the backyard. It is basically the same thing except their were no rules and the only way to win would be to get all the other people to give up,cry, or get knocked out. Sadly I only won once, and that was because my brother was sick that day.


12 years ago


My friends and I LARP’ed before it was even invented yet. We cut holes in brown-paper shopping bags to wear as ‘armor’ – stuffed a bunch of socks in the end of a long tube-sock – and then used our ‘flails’ to try to beat the other guys ‘armor’ right off their backs. – lots of bloody noses and “accidently” smacked nuts as I recall. Good times =)


12 years ago

LARP'ing was invented in the 70s.....


12 years ago

Technically, it’s been around at least as long as ‘cops & robbers’ and ‘cowboys & indians’; but yeah, the invention of D&D really launched it into the forefront of geek culture.


12 years ago

Actually it would be invented by the greeks for their theaters unless that dosen't count as Larping.


12 years ago

At first glance, yeah... It really is dorky. But that doesn't mean I didn't want to try it haha...

I've yet to experience my first "battle" but I'd love to find a group of people in my area who were up to the task. Sadly, my friends would probably laugh in my face if I ever asked them about it. But then again, who knows... Maybe I'll just float the idea their way and see what happens.


12 years ago

It may be dorky but it's also fucking awesome. Mind my language.


12 years ago

What's not to like about smacking your friends with a foam-covered stick?


12 years ago

When they pick up a dog chain and start using it as a mace...


12 years ago



12 years ago

Yeah... my friend Nikko was mad at me for a week since I hit him in the eye with it haha.


12 years ago

Sounds more like illegal pit fighting than Larping ha ha!


12 years ago

Now hold on there, if you think hitting my friend in the face with a dog chain is the worst I've done that just hold on there!

You remember the episode of Family Guy when Stewie allowed Brian to iht him in the face but Brian held it off to torture Stewie before pushing him in front of a bus?

Well, imagine I'm Brian and my little brother is Stewie but instead of pushing him in front of a bus, I hit him in the groin with a metal baseball bat as hard as I could.


12 years ago

Wtf... that wasn't supposed to be little brother I don't know why I typed that. It was the same kid I hit with the "mace."


12 years ago

When I was younger, me and all the kids that lived in my townhouse complex (20+ kids) all got sticks and fought with each other for a few hours. Back when kids had imagination and played outside.

That's about as close as I've ever gotten.


12 years ago

t's pretty much what I do except me and my friends use foam swords, bows, and hammers. We don't even do it that often though which kind of irritates me. It's really just something we do in my friend's backyard every now and then.


12 years ago

My three brothers and I used to fight with plastic/foam swords with some friends outside when we were bored. We used Monty Python's black knight as an example. (You could cut off arms and legs but they can still move until you cut the head off.(not in real life though) It's sad that most kids just stay inside these days.


12 years ago
I would of course, much rather tape something like that. for the fun and the memories lol. I haven't, but one of my old friends asked me to do a harry potter one actually, and tape it lol. But he got sick that whole week with a flu, so we didn't do it, but i know of it


12 years ago

I larped ALOT in my younger years, now that I do have a life, I only do it with my nephews...


12 years ago

Nah, never LARPed. Always wanted to (especially with the costumes :P) but never got to.


12 years ago

It's fun, I was just doing it a while ago and I'm still sore. Getting hit in the face with a giant sword still hurts even if it is made of foam.

And me and my friends had a milestone today! We finally drew blood for the first time... maybe we should tone it down a little.


12 years ago

Considering the swords are FOAM and you drew BLOOD . . . ? Yeah. Tone it down. WAY down.


12 years ago

The blood was from a broken nose... we also allow UFC fighting in our larping as it's just a backyard brawl sort of thing.


12 years ago

I thought it was from the nose. But, a broken nose? I still think that's pretty harsh.


12 years ago

Well, he was pissed off when he threw the punch. They were locked in a struggle for a sword when one kid kneed the other in the groin. The other kid thought it was a cheap shot and punched him clean in the face.

It's just a broken nose though, we've done FAR worse too each other.


12 years ago

Maybe I'm just a little weak when it comes to fighting, even if it's LARPing.


12 years ago

Not at all, most people I know say that we can take it too far at times so it's not like you're overreacting or anything.


12 years ago

Oh, okay, that's good. I hate overreacting to stuff.


12 years ago
Do video games count?


12 years ago

I don't believe video games are Live Action Role Play.


12 years ago
So yep I have larped but I don't as much anymore. Now me and my friends create characters in our minds and have them do battle with each other. It is a lot of fun.