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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

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11 years ago

First of all, I'm sorry. I'm a bit of an asshat at times. I joined this community hoping to be able to have a new creative outlet so that I could one day become a serious writer, but I allowed myself to give in to trolling emotions more than once, and I am deeply sorry for my actions. I am also sorry, for deceiving everyone on this site. 24 hours immediately after I posted the thread "Goodbye." I rejoined this site under a pseudonym. You know this pseudonym as "Legion." Before you continue, let me just say this. I am not apologizing because of the fact that I'm an asshat. I'm apologizing because I was an asshat to people who I had no reason to be an asshat towards. I truly am not a bad person, just an asshat from time to time. I hope that my apology might mean something to the community here, for this time, I'm gone for good. Best wishes to all aspiring authors and old veterans on grand future stories.

In all true sincerity (this time),
Jplague a.k.a. Legion.

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11 years ago
It's true this time BTW

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11 years ago

Oh you were Jplague? KoolSTORYbro.

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11 years ago
I see... So you're still gonna be immature about this, but under a different name.

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11 years ago
I don't see how I'm being immature about this still. I fessed up to my actions and gave my apologies. I'm not even trying to be a troll anymore. I'm done with that now.

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11 years ago

So after saying you weren't going to come back... you come back?

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11 years ago
Did I stay the first time? Hell no! Ima stick around for just a little while longer. I need a break from madness once in a while, and this place is actually really fun when you aren't a total douchebag.

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11 years ago

As I said before:

"So basically you're saying the same thing as last time."


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11 years ago
Meh. Who gives a shit honestly? It just made me feel like I had closure on Jplague. I doubt anyone really took this seriously in the first place, so why should I?

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11 years ago

Because you're acting like an asshat.

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11 years ago
And posting on this about just "Polishing shit" isn't? I dish out what I'm served, and since nobody really took this seriously in the first place then I might as well go back on my promises and be a total douhce. But I'm not. I'm here to stay, but i'll try to behave.

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11 years ago

Fine, but you've already lost a lot of respect. Here is how you sound.

JPlague: You all suck and I'm so much better goodbye forever!

Us: Good riddance.

Legion: I'm new!

Us: Welcome!

JPlague: Actually I've been Legion this whole time and never actually left but I'm going to leave now and I'm being totally for realz this time.

Us: Good riddance

Legion: I'm back.

A few words.

11 years ago
The immature part about this was when you got into an internet debate and lost, instead of accepting that you lost and moving on, you decided to make a thread for the sole point of insulting the person you lost to, and making a big deal about the fact you were leaving because of it. That was very immature. When you first posted that you were Legion I thought "Oh, I respect Legion, looks like Jplague matured a bit or at least calmed down", then you continued to insult the exact same people who didn't actually wrong you in the first place. The only difference was except for saying "I'm leaving", you were saying "I'm staying with a new name".

And that's why I said you were still being immature but under a new name. I appreciate that you were sticking up for me, Playa, but you had the wrong idea :)

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11 years ago
How did I insult anyone at all? I don't understand this at all. So I have to stick to my promise even though nobody truly gives a damn? Screw that! And here we are back to square one.

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11 years ago
Please try to be civil Legion.

Anywho, after re-reading your post, I realized that I assumed the "trolling emotions" implied that we were trying to troll you and you gave into it. But if you were calling yourself troll then you really didn't insult anybody. I apologize if this is the case.

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11 years ago

What does a man have but his word?

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11 years ago

Sorry to feed your ego Bo, but I wasn't sticking up for you. I was bored and saw him acting immature and figured I'd go with it. :p

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11 years ago
Playa, I think we all realize that I know everything about everything, so we're just going to have to admit that you're wrong here and you didn't actually feed my ego at all.

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11 years ago

If you know everything about everythingthen answer this question:

As Spongebob once said, what color is my underwear?

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11 years ago
False. Your underwear has no specific color, it simply reflects certain frequencies of light. So, it has multiple colors depending on if I have color blindness or not.

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11 years ago
False. I'm not wearing any underwear and never have. I find the idea of it repulsing.

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11 years ago
False. I never stated you wore underwear in the first place, I simply stated the flaws with implying that underwear has color.

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11 years ago

False. You said your as in referring to me and I am the greatest person ever so I dedicate all words used in the second tense to be dedicated towards me.

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11 years ago
So basically you're saying the same thing as last time.

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11 years ago

Well, he phrased it in a much more polite manner.

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11 years ago
Well down here in *insert simple minded intolerant area here* we don't take to kindly to that now do we?

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11 years ago

The Obama Administration?

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11 years ago
"If you polish a piece a shit, you still only have a pretty piece of shit". I forgot who said that, but I like it.

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11 years ago

And Mythbusters prooved that you really can polish one.

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

Personally, I don't really give anything about this.  All I know was that he was being a real jerk using vocabulary unnecessary for use (like some people), and he's saying sorry.  That's all I see.  If everyone is still having a menstrual period over this, then we have a problem.