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Coolest/best/most convenient animal

10 years ago

I hope? think I speak for all of us when I say that the Komodo dragon is the coolest animal ever. It's a massive lizard with slow-acting paralitic poison and an awesome appearance in general.

But what would be the most convenient animal

or the best animal?

(it would be up to you what characteristics an animal should have that make it the "best" or most convenient)

Coolest/best/most convenient animal

10 years ago
Two words: Mantis Shrimp.

Coolest/best/most convenient animal

10 years ago

... Oh my god

Coolest/best/most convenient animal

10 years ago

Cuttlefish makes the chameleon look like Napoleon Dynamite really, it even hypnotizes its prey with its skin alone, and can literally stretch its skin to the texture of whatever it is nearby. It is the ONLY known animal that a species of which has TOXIC FLESH. Also, it's Cthulhu's head, so you'd better respect the living shit out of it.

Coolest/best/most convenient animal

10 years ago
That sounds similar to the Indonesian Mimic Octopus. At least the part about changing its skin and texture.

Coolest/best/most convenient animal

10 years ago

This part sold it for me.


The Mantis Shrimp is now my new favorite animal. ^.^

Coolest/best/most convenient animal

10 years ago

"Murder sticks" haha!

Coolest/best/most convenient animal

10 years ago

Mayhaps we should just give up on this superiority contest, and worship the glory of the mantis shrimp?

My mustache is better.

Coolest/best/most convenient animal

10 years ago

Wait, I know what the Coolest/Best/Most Convenient animal would be. 

A Penguin and Mantis Shrimp hybrid with a mustache

Coolest/best/most convenient animal

10 years ago

Now that's just silly.

Coolest/best/most convenient animal

10 years ago

Obviously the pig. I present you this one key argument.


Coolest/best/most convenient animal

10 years ago

Fine, Pig's are (possibly) the Coolest/best/most convenient animal on land and the Mantis Shrimp wins at sea.

Coolest/best/most convenient animal

10 years ago

Cow beef and methane galore.

Did you know cows are most of the global warming problem? They fart and burp over 1.2 million tons of methane per day that's the whole world.

Coolest/best/most convenient animal

10 years ago

So are the endless amounts of humans and cars that also produce methane every day...

Anyway's lets avoid world politics and common theory's.


Coolest/best/most convenient animal

10 years ago

Yes let's. *wasn't a theory it was a factoid*

Coolest/best/most convenient animal

10 years ago

Shall we not discuss the evolution of the world due to humanity's stupidity here?

Coolest/best/most convenient animal

10 years ago

Foolish mortals we view ourselves at the top yet we destroy so much that is natural for unnatural things...

(sorry can't resist insulting human stupidity)

Coolest/best/most convenient animal

10 years ago

(actually they are completely separate categories)





Coolest/best/most convenient animal

10 years ago

Tasty pig tasty pig

Coolest/best/most convenient animal

10 years ago

I'd have to put my vote for the BEST animal in the entire world as the Army-Ant's: Evidence by and many others if you bother to look the information up. 

"Army ants are also, happily, completely carnivorous, and with millions of them in one place at a time, they essentially never stop killing, tearing through hundreds or thousands of prey an hour. They only stop killing for a few weeks a year, but don't relax -- that's just because they take a breather to make more army ants.

They're clever, too, moving by day in a variety of formations to protect the more valuable members of the colony, and to drive and trap their prey before them. Witnesses have observed army ant waves 65 feet wide. And at night, the ants stop, forming a colony out of their own bodies, full of tunnels, passageways, and public spaces, filled with what still must surely be a tremendous amount of murdering other species.

They can turn cow corpses into skeletons, and yes, have already been known to kill humans, although for now it's just been the slowest and weakest -- people unable to move out of the way of the relatively slow-moving columns. But don't take too much solace in that, because they can move underground, too. And were they to ever organize on a scale larger than a few million, that could change. Because boy howdy, there are a lot of them. In terms of total body mass, all the ants on Earth may outweigh all the humans, and when you consider just how enormous humans are getting, that amounts to a whole lot of ants."

     TL;DR = Army ant's will can eat entire humans and cows. They also come in swarms of up to millions and might possibly outweigh all the humans on earth according to bodymass.

     TL;DR^2 = They will eat you, there are millions of them. 

Coolest/best/most convenient animal

10 years ago

He, I just read all of that a couple of minutes ago, I personally thin the octopi and the spiders were more intimidating

Coolest/best/most convenient animal

10 years ago

Intimidating yes, deadly no. Army ants are the apex predator in their own little world you know what we humans need to do when we see a wave? Break out the flame thrower and burn baby, burn don't eat us!!! (This is kinda conflicting with another comment I made)

Coolest/best/most convenient animal

10 years ago

In their world they are the apex predators. (Chronicle reference?)

But in our world, our feet are enough to kill most other "apex predators".

Not to mention, it you take a single army any and out him against an octopus, a human, or a spider, you'll get a spider with a snack, a little drown ant corpse, and chances are, ALOT of different ways to kill it if you're a human.

Coolest/best/most convenient animal

10 years ago

Yes true and not a chronicle reference what is that? It was a reference to the fact that in the insect world nothing actively uses them as a food only they themselves use their dead.

Coolest/best/most convenient animal

10 years ago

The cutest: baby homo sapiens sapiens.

Coolest/best/most convenient animal

10 years ago

Incorrect, human babies are fat, toothless, hairless screaming little bags of hell. The cutest are kittens

Coolest/best/most convenient animal

10 years ago

Have you seen freshly born kittens? They may not be as grotesque as human children right out of the womb, but they are not as fuzzy as we would like to think.

Coolest/best/most convenient animal

10 years ago



Coolest/best/most convenient animal

10 years ago

I beg to differ

Coolest/best/most convenient animal

10 years ago

Coolest/best/most convenient animal

10 years ago

*nothing looks good fresh out of the womb.

i bet if you cleaned it up though it would be better

Coolest/best/most convenient animal

10 years ago

Which isn't to say kittens aren't cute, of course they are, that just isn't what I was talking about.

Coolest/best/most convenient animal

10 years ago

The horned lizard of the American west can squirt blood out of its eyes... Let your brain chew on that a moment... Its EYES...

"Aw, look at the cute pancake lizard on the rock!"




"AIEEEEEE!!!! - it got in my mouth!!!!"

* Gag!

Coolest/best/most convenient animal

10 years ago

Sounds like a perfect prank.

Coolest/best/most convenient animal

10 years ago

I can see it now a kid's birthday party...

"Daddy look what Sam got me!!"

"ah a lizard (crouches) ah what the Hell it squirted something in my mouth!!!"

"Yeah it did that in Johnnys face it's blood from it's from its eye!!"