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Noob advice?

7 years ago

HI, I'm pretty new here, and I just want to know how to be me on this site, but at the same time not be a "troll" as you guys call it.

Noob advice?

7 years ago

Raven here.

Act mature, write properly, no shitposting, don't start unnecessary arguments, and you should be fine.

Try reading a few articles on help and info regarding the forums. It should help.

You can PM me or other person should there be particular questions.

Noob advice?

7 years ago


Noob advice?

7 years ago

I'll act as mature as a thirteen year-old can possibly be.

Noob advice?

7 years ago

Combining those two replies of yours would be better. So it is "Thanks! I'll act as mature as a thirteen year-old can possibly be."

And mind you, mods can see your IP address. If they find that your IP address is similar to one of those people designated as trolls and troublemakers, you will be in a bad time.

By the way, your story description has that "INAPPROPRIATE COMMENTS WILL BE REPORTED" warning. No need for that. Critics are fine, but if they are too harsh without much value or just plain insults or nonsense, the avid readers will handle them. We got a special place for that.

The Draw my Attention Thread is the place for reporting inappropriate comments and other stuff. You can get extra points for doing those things too, so it's a good idea for being a mercenary, find out all the stuff listed, and bring 'em in for some points... but be sure to follow the protocol correctly. We ain't got place for mercs or bounty hunters who only cause nuisance.

Noob advice?

7 years ago

sorry. I just really hate swearing.

Noob advice?

7 years ago

I don't like insults for no good reasons too. But it's best for you to stay professional.

Oh, and I think it's better to capitalize the Seal word into SEAL in your story description since it is the short for Sea, Air, and Land.

Noob advice?

7 years ago
My advice: get thicker skin. No matter how well you write, someone IS going to hate it. Oh, and they're going to be very vocal about their hate. Sadly, it is just how the world works. Accept genuine criticism, but be ready for other comments.

Noob Advice!

7 years ago

Perhaps be less of a little bitch? That'd solve some problems

Noob advice?

7 years ago

Hello there :)

If you don't want to be a "troll", just don't spampost in forums or post stories you spent like..a day on. And if you ever get banned, don't spam any of the members here with "I'm sorry, please give me another chance". 

Make sure to proofread any stories before you post, and ask yourself: Is this really something you put a lot of work in? Are you sure it's ready?(i.e, there are no/barely any grammatical errors, plot isn't full of holes, etc.)
If you're not a good proofreader, you can always ask any of the other members(recommended: asking Mizal though she may be busy, or BigRonn77 as I've noticed he's left some pretty constructive criticisms)

Edit: Thank you mods for moving this thread :)

Noob advice?

7 years ago

Be nice to people and mostly they'll be nice to you, those that aren't just avoid them :) Oh and have lots of fun here :)

Noob advice?

7 years ago

Welcome to CYS! Have fun and try not to end up facing the banhammer.

Can't help but notice that "pt. 1" in your game's title. Don't do that. Demos are frowned upon, and unless each "part" can stand on its own as a full game, don't publish a story in parts. If you want a reason why, see this article.

Noob advice?

7 years ago

It's not a demo.

Noob advice?

7 years ago

This advice also works for people who prefer to break big games into smaller pieces, because that is essentially what a demo is. Smaller pieces of a much bigger game.

Noob advice?

7 years ago

I've had this idea for about three years, and the idea was originally for a video game. The story will be a little condensed, but there is just SO MUCH story to tell that if I tried to make it one whole story, it would probably be a 20/8 in length. Thanks for the input, though.

Noob advice?

7 years ago

Well, I don't believe this site's 'proper' forum etiquette is much different than one you could find anywhere else. In which the main theme pertains to literature, actually, I think certain things may even be looser, so just try your best to be mature while being yourself.

You seem okay from what I've seen so far, and when compared to the recent types that have been popping up, (or re-emerging in some cases...) You're fine. ^^

Noob advice?

7 years ago

To be fair, being a troll and being you might be the same thing, depending on how much of a tool you are.