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Hello from Middle east

4 years ago

Im from Iran hope can be friends and get to know each other and have fun cuz this place seems cool

Also you guys can ask me anything you want I know about Hafiz Romi Ferdowsi and other prsian litrature poets maybe i will post some of them here hope you guys enjoy it  

Ps:if you guys think romi is better i won't force you but Hafiz poems are deeper and more mystirous i like hafiz more


Hello from Middle east

4 years ago
The last Iranian we got ran away when we said we were sending a drone. I hope you're more fun.

Hello from Middle east

4 years ago

Or I might be a spy ??

Hello from Middle east

4 years ago

I find it a lovely expression of hope that you think this forum will have strong aesthetic opinions about whether one poet is better than another.

Hello from Middle east

4 years ago

Oh didn't think the guy who uses a grandiloquent type of speech would greet me 

Im Honored 


Hello from Middle east

4 years ago



Hello from Middle east

4 years ago

I think you meant very literate, and what you said came out closer to calling Gower a windbag.

It might just be better if you rated some games and were quiet for a bit.

Here's a list of decent games to read:

Hello from Middle east

4 years ago

Sorry ???? I didn't mean any insults Gower im so sorry imean it i actually liked your respond and attitude and i i al like the way you talk 

It was just a joke i hope it didn't gave you guys bad impression about me

Hello from Middle east

4 years ago

Ah. Here you are not being quiet and not rating story games. Interesting.

Hello from Middle east

4 years ago

Okie dokie 

"And now I'll Just sit in silence"-TøP

Hello from Middle east

4 years ago
Nah, really it's only the 12 year olds we tell to be quiet for their own good, I reckon this one's posts will be more entertaining than not. We need to see where he falls on the spectrum anyhow and he needs to post for that.

Rating/reviewing storygames is always good of course and the easiest way to get quickly known as a contributing member.

Hello from Middle east

4 years ago

Welcome! I forgot about this thread. If you want to talk poetry, I can try to keep up. I am not familiar with anyone you mentioned, but I love to learn! Also, people here are brutally honest. They are nice and great to ask for writing advice though.

Hello from Middle east

4 years ago
This thread must be a huge let down to anyone who sees it from the index.

It teases you with hobbits and instead you just get some ESL turban man.