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Lucky Dueler's Trophy!

16 years ago

Alright guys, after getting angry at the fact that I couldn't find the lucky dueller's trophy, and then finding that somebody with only 9 duels had it I got mad, so i had Alexp make a change to it.

From now on you have to have a minimum of 100 duels to qualify for the trophy. 

So... who has it now?


Lucky Dueler's Trophy!

16 years ago

ha! congrats Darth!


Lucky Dueler's Trophy!

16 years ago

Lucky Dueler's Trophy!

16 years ago

Oh, that's sweet. Thanks, march!


Lucky Dueler's Trophy!

16 years ago
good reasoning march, though, aint 100 alot?

Lucky Dueler's Trophy!

16 years ago

I was trying to think of a way to make it fair. What I did was look at the number of duels that regulars have on the site - most of them are significantly above 100.  Second I thought to myself: "hmmm... is it really luck if you win 30 of 50 games (60%) or is that just basic statistics?"  Much better if in 100 duels you win 55, (55%) - that actually seems "lucky"  PLUS then we don't loose the trophy AND people have to take the risk of actually duelling.  I think it's win / win.


Lucky Dueler's Trophy!

16 years ago
Alright, could you also have it that your record is wiped out after a while. Because like for me, for like contests and stuff, i would give away my points through duels, which meant i would have to LOSE duels, so my record does not tell the whole the truth in my profile. THere should be a system where after like 3 months, the tallies are wiped out, and a new record is started...

Lucky Dueler's Trophy!

16 years ago

hmmmm... this is interesting...

how about I ask alex to give people the option of "resetting" their duel history?  That way if you're REALLY unlucky, then you can start over, but you still have to work your way back up to 100 for another shot at the trophy?  oooh i really like this idea.


Lucky Dueler's Trophy!

16 years ago

omg i know exactly how you wrote this one, you started off with, "resseting their duel history" thinking that people would just reset it after losing a whole bunch, then you realized that they would have to get to 100 before having a shot at the trophy lol. IT IS A GOOD IDEA!!! lol!

Lucky Dueler's Trophy!

16 years ago

so who has it? lol


Lucky Dueler's Trophy!

16 years ago

Darth_Vadar has it.


Lucky Dueler's Trophy!

16 years ago

man, i read through the moderation page, and this thread and didnt even notice the exchange between you and darth, my bad.

however, when me and AP were talking a few months ago, he said that he was gonna make it where the dueler trophy went to whomever had the best record over hte past 60 days. or something similar. was that in effect or had he not done that yet?


Lucky Dueler's Trophy!

16 years ago

hmmm... Nate, he may have said something like that to me too, but sometimes I zone out when alexp starts talking lol.  I'll check with him and see what's up with the trophy tonight.


Lucky Dueler's Trophy!

16 years ago

haha. thats cool. i was just wondering. because if that is the case then even someone like madglee coudl get the trophy if he goes on a good run for a few months. but it doesnt really matter. really, im more interested in finding a way to keep track of who has the trophy. its frustrating to not have any clue who has it. the 100 duel limit is a great idea that can help with that.


Lucky Dueler's Trophy!

16 years ago
You know, I thought there *was* a minimum to qualify.  Well, I guess that explains why no one can ever find it. . . (Seriously, it seems like every couple of months there's a thread about "who has the lucky dueler trohpy?")

Lucky Dueler's Trophy!

16 years ago
In other words the trophy will be permanately stationed on Nate's page? Congratulations Darth, see how long you can keep it.

Lucky Dueler's Trophy!

16 years ago

haha. nah, i wouldnt reset my record. its pretty average believe it or not.


Lucky Dueler's Trophy!

16 years ago
Yeah, that comes to around 53%!

Lucky Dueler's Trophy!

16 years ago

OK!  Alexp informs me that 1. yes there was a minimum, but that minimum was like 5 duels in a 3 month span.  2. now you only qualify for the trophy if you have more than 100 duels - which doesn't make much sense with the 3 month span thing.  sigh... and alex doesn't want to get rid of the 3 month span thing, and turn it into OVERALL duelling history - which is what I wanted - because of the amount of programming it would take to impliment the "reset duel history" feature.  I give up!


Lucky Dueler's Trophy!

16 years ago