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Dust off a seat and discuss a good book do read, right?

Slaughter-House Five

9 years ago

If you haven't read it yet, try it. I'm not gonna say you'll love it, though.

It's pretty crazy.

Kurt Vonnegut writes pretty annoying-like (which I love) and keeps jumping back and forth between time-periods, universes, tying everything slowly together.... Poor Billy. He must have some awful PTSD. But one of my favorite parts was it's little mentionings of supposedly unimportant things...Everything from the little songs to the "beautiful boy" to the German soldier that was secretly Billy's cousin.

If you want a tragic yet humorous book that twists and turns, try Slaughter-House Five. It's horrible and wonderful at the same time.

And so it goes...

Slaughter-House Five

7 years ago

One of the best books I`ve read.

Slaughter-House Five

7 years ago

Going to leave this one up, but in the future just make a brand new thread talking about your favorite books instead of necromancing several old ones with five word comments on each.

If you have to necromance, don’t raise a damn army of one hit point skeletons, just raise a single quality level bone giant instead.

Slaughter-House Five

7 years ago

Wow, is someone discussing books for grown ups in the reading corner?

It's been a long time since I've read it. Certain moments still stick out vividly but the whole thing was so fragmented and disjointed, I suspect it would be a little annoying to reread.