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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

Boring Car Conversation

3 years ago
Having a car will take up even more of your time. Somehow cars seem to require constant attention and manual operation. When I got rid of my car 15 years back I found that I had so much more time. Never regretted selling it.

Boring Car Conversation

3 years ago
The practically of having or not having a car really depends a lot on where you live and what you do. It's not possible to get along without one in many cases.

I don't think the subways run to anyplace where people are digging up septic tanks for $70.

Boring Car Conversation

3 years ago

I find that having a car saves me a lot of time trying to convince uber drivers to come to Possum Kingdom Tenessee

Boring Car Conversation

3 years ago
I know what you mean. But I haven't been out of walking distance of my house for over a year now.

Boring Car Conversation

3 years ago

Lucky you!

Boring Car Conversation

3 years ago
Not sure I agree. I even miss airport lounges these days.

Boring Car Conversation

3 years ago
Covid let all these other people live out my greatest most unobtainable fantasy, and none of them even appreciate it. Sad!

Boring Car Conversation

3 years ago
Know that you mean there is this part of me who enjoys it as well.

Boring Car Conversation

3 years ago
Well now I'm just confused. According to my calculations, not going anywhere in a car takes exactly as long as not going anywhere on foot.

Boring Car Conversation

3 years ago
No the car needs new DMV + SMOG even after going nowhere. (Also new tires)

Boring Car Conversation

3 years ago
Me having no car trying to talk about cars in a car thread 0.o

Boring Car Conversation

3 years ago

Now you do.

Boring Car Conversation

3 years ago
LOL that's actually fucking hilarious. I love it! Love the colour choice too xD

Boring Car Conversation

3 years ago
Do one for Tim now.

He and his brother had to walk like five hours the other day, I think that puts the win firmly on Team Car.

Boring Car Conversation

3 years ago
Ah, tragic. Not having a vehicle has turned Ford into an alcoholic, that's another one for Team Car.

Boring Car Conversation

2 years ago
So unending storms and flooding in some parts of the US, and murderous heat in others. You guessed it, that's another win for Team Car! The only climate controlled and protected option for the many who do not have AC in their homes, which also acts as a backup battery and light and radio source for when things get more apocalyptic.

Portland is even going to be beating Phoenix out on the ludicrous triple digits, have fun walking to the bus stop or riding your bike to to attend the next riot at 115F.

(Seriously though, those of you in the Midwest and Northwest please please don't broil to death, while I'll try not to drown )