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Options for a storygame I'm writing

4 years ago

Hey guys, I'm currently writing a storygame where you can choose whether to be an angel or a demon and make choices from there, and I was wondering from a reader's perspective as well as an experienced writer's (if possible) about a situation. I'm currently in a spot (demon storyline) where the reader gets to choose whether they are more of a warrior or backlines type. I was thinking that I could either make the story largely similar except for the reader's appearance (same events, supporting characters, etc.) or make the story very different after that branch. While the second option would take more work, would a reader care enough to appreciate that effort?

Options for a storygame I'm writing

4 years ago
Very different, naturally. What's the point otherwise? You could write one branch first to the end and then decide if you want to put the effort into writing the next one.

Options for a storygame I'm writing

4 years ago

That's what I was thinking, I just wasn't sure if it would be worth it. Thanks!

Options for a storygame I'm writing

4 years ago
You're welcome.

Options for a storygame I'm writing

4 years ago

In my opinion the choices should impact the story in proportion to how big the decision is. If you decide between blue socks or red socks, it may not change the story much, but then why create two paths? It is a lot of work for no pay off.

That being said, you can have this change moderately affect the story line or change the perspective, without changing everything. For example, maybe the plot and supporting characters are the same. Maybe the battle is even the same, but when the enemy flanks from the side (oh no!) the group is split in two. The melee demon gets captured, and has to escape the enemy camp. The ranged demon manages to escape, but has to find a way to free his comrades. From this point the two paths will probably diverge, unless you find a way to make them connect back at a fixed outcome. I recommend having the paths diverge though.

Options for a storygame I'm writing

4 years ago

That makes sense. I'm not sure which approach I'll end up taking, but for now I'm leaning more toward having similar story for each branch, but with distinct differences based on previous choices. Basically, I want to ensure that the experience is unique for each playthrough.

Options for a storygame I'm writing

4 years ago

Yeah there should be similarities if you have a developed plot. Sounds like you have a good idea and a good path forward! I am sure it will turn out great.

I'll check out your story eventually. I sort of have a long back log of things I want to read though.